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Posts posted by horriblyjollyjinx

  1. in my marketing class the other day, my professor was talking about how different the japanese business practices as from those of the USA...less corruptible doesnt even begin to describe these guys

    if you came to your boss in the US and said i found away to cut $1 off of the monthly cash budget hed look at you like you had 6 heads...a Japanese exec would pat you on the back and tell you you did a damn fine job...they know how to think in temrs of nickels and dimes and how that effects the bigger picture

    American business believes in improvement whereas japanese business believes in INCREMENTAL improvements and they understand much better that every dollar counts...if youve got 185,000 employees and each one of them can cut a few dollars out of their monthly cash budgets, even if what you're saving is relatively small, you're still saving it...they know what they doin, yo

    thats bullshit. im actually in japan and people are 99.99% the same everywhere in the world. only difference is japanese are more shy and old fashioned. trust me, JAPANESE LIKE MONEY TOO, JUST THE YEN FLAVOUR INSTEAD OF$.

    jap companies are inefficient as fuck, so many redundant workers.

  2. Valid points. I think the idea is coming from the pictures of the 86 boot which is also the vintage-style Alden we are recreating (except in shell cordovan instead of the original kid-skin) which had a pull-tab.

    Here is a pic (which I think was posted earlier in this thread) of an old 1930s catalog (I think montgomery wards) which has perf. straight tip workboots in it. Also no pull-tabs.


    My vote would be for no pull tabs.

    i have 2 pairs of the top left pair, one 30s and one pair 50s. not as big of or square toe box though. getting another 80s pair.

  3. fit pics


    I got these in sz 30 which is my actual size. soaked them in BOILING hot water. they are pretty tight at the waist, but they are still the widest leg LVC's I own. I like the baggy fit on these though...

    oh and btw. erbs thanks :)

    man, those look soo good on you! after you've worn them for a few months, you're gonna have the harajuku coolkid down so well! please wear them ;=)

    you know, I have the 555 201s in sz 28, but I also wear them high.

  4. what time does dinner start?

    i have a bunch of shit due that day, dont know if i can make it out but ill give you a call..

    It starts at 930 and the meetingplace is Ebisu JR exit. You don't have anything else to do at that time, so you're coming! You can make time if you want.

    And you want to!

    Cotton, did you find kapital?

  5. YOU ARE *NOT* GOING TO RIP ME OFF!!! I am a single parent of a small child and I use the money I earn on eBay to pay my bills. Losing $220 is going to KILL US!!! I know people like you have no concern for others, but I will do everything in my power to ascertain that you do not succeed in taking our money away from us. We are already living in total desperation over here, and if you have any sort of conscience whatsoever, you cannot knowingly sit there and do this. In my entire history of selling and buying on eBay I have ONE negative feedback, from someone who said they never got their item and then gave me a neg even after I had cheerfully refunded their money. I am not out to rip anyone off and I cannot comprehend the pure evil of people who do things like this to total strangers.


    please post yours.

  6. In for NOS.

    Horribly, what is going on at Air that night?

    Dismal you can take a train direct from Shinagawa (run pretty frequently) 40ish minutes, or even Shinjuku or Ebisu, but they are less frequent and will take about an hour.

    Man, I hope some people speak Spainish at the meetup.

    theres a house/techno night. you can check out the djs myspace http://www.myspace.com/echoa

    might as well go out because I dont feel like catching the last train and a cab would cost me the same as the cover.

    you coming?

    by the way, BIGxSMALL meetup successful. Our concepts were streamlined and simply breathtaking.

  7. Hey, so how's Tokyo's style right now? I haven't been there in a while, one of my friends said that it's sort of more slim style, because last time, everybody was on the HH shit hard, like baggy shit every where (which I also have no problem with, since my style varies very much.)

    Also, any new good clubs by Shibuya? Because I'll be back in Shibuya very soon, probably late January. I want to go to a good Hip Hop, House or Drum & Bass club.

    Also, any nice cafes where the races differ between mostly English/Japanese/Spanish speaking people?

    like anywhere, style depends on the demographic. theres a lot of western influence tight shit, but the harajuku cool is still mostly loose fits, which im digging a lot.

    the bib is very popular in harajuku but hardly seen elsewhere.

    extremely short shorts with leggings and fur hats seems to be popular all year round with stupid girls.

  8. Meeting place: Ebisu JR Station - West Exit

    Time: 9:30pm~11:30pm(?)

    Dinner: NOS Ebisu (http://r.gnavi.co.jp/g045630/)

    Cost: 3,000yen (approx.)


    How does this sound then guys?

    PM me if you're interested and I'll call to reserve one of the private rooms by the end of the week.

    im up. as for clubs, air seems to be the only place with a worthwile event, and its fairly close.

    koara also has something going but they dont seem to want to share info about WHAT it is, so its a bit of a gamble.

  9. just got high res pics of their new fabrics. no 22 and 42 are indigo but very dark.

    they also have some lefthand, light blue selvedge denim, what looks to be open-end left hand and lefthand with orange weft.

    and loads of other fabrics than denim.

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