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Posts posted by soundune

  1. usually when someone asks a question like "is this BAPE ish or is that BAPE ish fake" it's because they have no idea even where or how to find out themselves. the same reason people pay for doctors/lawyers etc. because they CAN'T do that ish themselves and its just easier to pay someone else to do it for them.

    personally I wouldn't go out of my way to look into whether somehting is fake because i don't know. but if someone asked in the jetset section about travelling in europe i'd be glad to help them because i know about that ish. I wouldn't be so quick to jump on the hate train on a fool just because he/she could go to barnes and noble and buy Europe on a shoestring and read it themselves.

    people hate way too much on this forum. peace

    fuckin' right i'm a doctor

  2. don't get me wrong, cool people working and def. a different vibe and diff stock but it's like the place has no focus.....that's probably the point but it's like....if i want mix tapes for cheaper i'll go to turntable lab or memes or something. for records - i mean why even have a set of like 60 odd ass records when a real shopper would just hit up bleeker or finyl or something? and selling vintage clothing.......

    look, it's an interesting concept but it's sooooo far down south and most of everything they stock can be found elsewhere in a wider variety and at a cheaper price. just my opinion.


    fuckin' right i'm a doctor

  3. Is it just me or does anyone else get the feeling that something isn't quite right with the aNYthing gangstore? I mean, props for A-ron for going his own but.....that place is just strange and they stock more strange knick nack shit that they do their own line. strange vibes....man

    fuckin' right i'm a doctor

  4. YO, i'm heading to the rotten apple for spring break. March 18-25th. anything noteable going down during these days?? Any cool shows (pref hip-hop) taking place? any info on anything interesting going on during these days will be greatly appreciated! mille grazie

    fuckin' right i'm a doctor

  5. shiiiiiiiit, hope it's the 27th at the latest or i might have to change my return ticket! nah, but damn, that would suck to fly from seattle to NYC and not have supreme. not that that's the reason i'm going or anything, just a major bonus.....so any other hypothesis on the reopening??

    fuckin' right i'm a doctor

  6. end of the month?? like the bitter end or ~ the last week. i'm hidding to the city for spring break Marcn 18 - 25 and would be really dissapointed to find the store bare, knowing the new ish drops the day after i leave.

    also, any NY heads: can you tell me what the projected turnout for the Stash uptown and air release on the 25th will be like

    if you have experience with this kind of drop that would be 'swell'

    fuckin' right i'm a doctor

  7. basically LJ sucks? sounds like it. also, Shmack really sucks (if you didn't already know) just washed my size L T-Rex hoodie today. it was already fitting like a medium, now it's a strait smedium (as kanye would say). fucking rubbish. i should have known better than to buy from them. i feel cheated, don't make the same mistake on LJ - especially since that shit is 4 times the price

    fuckin' right i'm a doctor

  8. schmack is no good, friend. i was all about some of there designs - ended up buying the T-rex hoodie. the material quality is rubbish. really really thin, and cheap feeling.

    also be warned: if you must buy one, def go a size UP, the fit is wack

    fuckin' right i'm a doctor

  9. carry it in your hand not on your shoulder for a less "girlfriend's purse" vibe. I've been rocking a free upper playground one from SF and a free one I got from Quench in Harajuku. They're mad handy because I hate the back sweat that comes from backpacks during the warm months. Plus I just like to kick it without shit ridding up my back

    I'm not gay, but I have the confidence to rock it even when my friends call it a man-purse, I'm not opposed to bringing foreign styles from overseas to the states. I've only lived in america for four years why should i switch up my steez because fools aren't willing to be open minded?

    fuckin' right i'm a doctor

  10. style, thought of as a social virus, or meme, is the product of collective preferences, ideas, psychological desires/wants, etc.

    style comes from those around us, the political/economic state of the moment. It comes from what we think of ourselves, what we want others to think of us, what we think others want us to think of ourselves. style is an attitude, developed by and drawing from our evironment.

    from very young we look to others, our friends, family, celebrities, news anchors, strangers, whoever and we pick out the things we like/dislike about the way they look, act, talk, eat, etc.

    we model ourselves after everyone and everything we admire, are drawn to, every cause we support, political party we identify with and from ALL OF THIS we come up with this 'style' this way of portraying ourselves from the inside out.

    style and how it's formed explains a lot about why people will pay $150 for BAPE t, and why they think this makes them stylish, it explains why a dude like robin williams can wear what kids less than half is age wear and some how pull it off. style is the dude that wears whatever the f#$* he wants without succumbing to what society or his niche of society thinks is cool. style is making what you like....stylish??

    that took a surprisingly short time to churn out.

    fuckin' right i'm a doctor

  11. man, i was going to make fun of you (i even made a post in jest of this one that quickly got turned into supertrash) but I think you're question is legit.

    Just thinking about it, briefly, following the initial 'rolling of the minds eye' I came upon the thought that style, like many other sociological trends, has much to do with the science (if you can call it that) of memetics. Not sure if anyone here has heard of it, but I think the way style is formed and dissemenated can be explained by memetics.

    "droppin science like galileo dropped the orange"

    fuckin' right i'm a doctor

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