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Posts posted by soundune

  1. dismal,

    university is actually the first time I lived IN america, spent my first 18 years in Europe. I'm going to UW, as I said, and my parents have live in Germany, so I'm used to living a LONG way from "home." so getting used to that won't be so much of a change. but, i'm sure living in asia where a 6'3" white guy will stick out like a sore thumb will probably be different than europe!

    but, I am very excited. i want to live OFF base, and have Japanese neighbors I can hopefully get to know and become friends with. I would like to meet as many native people as I can, see as much of the country as I can. basically make the most of my time there.

    any further tips along those lines would be great!

    talking to friends here at uni, they all say i can get by without a car, living in Yokosuka. and from what you all were saying, it is quite expensive to own and operate one. perhaps biking to and from work is the answer and taking the train around the country (to tokyo) is best?


  2. well, i wasn't going to say, because i didn't want to incur any political wrath from the masses! but i'll be graduating from the University of Washington in March (1 quarter less than a 5th year!). While at the U I was(am) in Naval ROTC.

    So, sometime soon after graduation I'll be moving to Yokosuka, Nippon. 45 minutes outside of Tokyo, 30 from Yokohama.

    I am extremely excited (I don't think I'll quite understand how excited I really am until I'm there) to move to Nippon. I've lived abroad, except for Uni, for my entire life. All in Europe, and I am very excited to explore another culture and country of this amazing earth. Plus, Tokyo is fucking CRAZY. I love big cities and they don't come much bigger.

    and, of course, I love style, kicks, clothes, etc. so I'm way excited for that reason, also.

    AGAIN, thanks so much for all the help, and keep it coming. I know I always love helping people out when they travel/move to places I've lived/travelled. thanks!!

  3. Latest IDs from elizabeth street came in. a little conservative on the colors but I had to put some patent leather (white is the only option for non VPs) and the old water buffalo on there. Let me know what you think. Have gotten mixed reviews from my people already so critique away. ciao



  4. yo, The War Room is def. the hottest spot in my opinion.

    A new joint that opened over the summer is Havanna, also on E pike - across from Vita Coffee

    Lo Fi is a cool spot, or so I've heard. never been there myself and don't know the location.

    Steer clear of the University Ave unless you want to kick it stupid with a bunch of retard frat guys (you can tell my bias)

    Bell Town (the neighborhood) is a cool location for the young professional crowd.

    Basically, Broadway * E Pike area has the hottest spots for what you're looking for. just explore the area and perhaps I'll see you out there. PEACE

    ps - do you work at Winners Circle, don't ask why I ask! some sort of hunch

  5. this question was posed a while back but I'm not satisfied with the smart ass answers it recieved. I, too, really like the smell of the incense ndg has burning in their joint and would like to know what it is. Can anyone help out. mille grazie

  6. yo, seattle people. has anyone been by the new Winners Circle joint on east pike street? if so, what's the sitch? specifically, is there any reason I should ever go there instead of going to GOODS! grazie, peace in the middle east - out

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