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Posts posted by soundune

  1. yo, we can coordinate all the mustache rides, cocaine deals and free girl sex we want at the Seattle superfoodeat. let's make it the ave next Tuesday at 1230? sound good?

    another sunny day! i'll be in odegaard today from 1130-1215--it's a super future where's waldo if you find me

  2. yeah, this weekend is no good here either. going to Baker for the supercool Industrial Engineering department ski trip. Diiiiiip set, ballin' (NOT).

    how about during next week somewhere on the Ave, since we're all UW students??

    no class on Tuesday, Thursday or Friday!!!!!! (fifth year senior)

  3. damn, how did this one slip under my radar! no worries, though, i'm here now! so, Seattle SuFu. what's this about a super gay supermeat in the emerald? very nice (in the voice of Borat) holla

    oh, and I go to the UW - graduating in Industrial Engineering in March, SUCKAS! i have some crazy nikes with neon green laces you might have seen lighting up the grey skis over red square. if you see me - challa at your boy!

    dipset ballin and what not. peace

  4. basically, what the above guy said. europe is amazing, anywhere you go you'll have a blast.

    but, in defense of Kusadasi and Bodrum. Yes, there are many german and dutch tourists, and they do detract, but it's still a fun place! damn, it must be for so many people to enjoy it (not a good reason, i know) but from my personal experience (and I do hate an over run destination) I still had tons of fun.

    also between the two locations you can knock out 3 of the 7 ancient wonders of the world, and those in and of themselves are reason enough to go! ciao

  5. aeros, damn - just saw that you're in seattle as am I! i'm going to the UofW, if you are at the U I'd be more than happy to help out. some friends and i did a three month trip last summer. started with the world cup in germany and ended in spain a loooong time later. peace

  6. here is where you should go from my many traveling experiences (trust me):

    Turkey: Istanbul to Kusadasi (all night on bus) then Kusadasi to Bodrum (about half a day , again)

    --spend 4 days in Istanbul; stay in the Sultan Hostel, spend 3 days in Kusadasi (ask for at the Sultan for their sister hostel with a pool in Kusadasi), spend 7 days (if you can, forever!) in Bodrum (again, talk to the people at the Sultan)


    --Spend 7 days (if you can, forever, again) stay at a Sobe (croatian b&B) they'll be easy to find because you'll be mobbed by old people asking you to stay at their sobe

    Spain: def. go to Madrid and stay at the Cat's Hostel (one of the BEST in Europe)

    --Spend at least 3 days in Madrid and at least 3 in Barcelona (stay at Kabul hostel - probably the craziest party hostel in the city if not all of Europe)

    Germany: yes, go to Berlin! and you have to stay at the Circus Hostel (probably THE best in Europe) also def check out Munich. Stay in Berlin at least 3 days, same for Munich

    Italy: you have to go to the cinque terra, also florence. you MUST go to lago maggiore and only if you have extra time lago di como.

    ............as you can see 1 month is not all that much. but i can promise you, from many summers of experience (i lived in Europe for 18 years!) you can rely on my advice.

    PLEASE pm me if you want in depth info I love to help fellow travelers! ciao & buon viaggi

  7. the walls are hardwood, no panelling. it's really weird. this is a rental property by the U and for some reason this one room is all winter log cabin style. i was slightly disturbed at first but it grows on you!

  8. during my travels this past summer i found out some of this Australian slang:

    a SLAB of beer: the same thing as a case in america

    "skull it": the same thing as "chug it" in america

    and from my experience living in England (spelling is questionable):

    knackered: to be tired

    bloody hell: fucking hell

    bollocks: i think this is either balls or ass!

    wanker: fucker

    *giving the peace sign backwards is the same thing as the middle finger in america

    *sticking your tongue behind your lower lip and brushin your chin with a forward motion of the back of your hand is a similar insult

    spastic: is like calling someone a retard

  9. some words i've picked up along the way:

    herb = a derogatory term for any young man that listens to music such as Nickelback a and has no sense of style. Or anyone you feel like deriding

    fit = hot, sexy - refering to a female

    bird = a female

    ish = the way to say shit around your parents so they don't get mad at you

    obviously - an emphatic response indicating agreement as in: "That bird was fit, kid." => "Obviously, son!"

    Natty = a natural looking, earthy-type chick as in: "That bird was looking natty, son"

    Git Rit = an alcoholic beverage as in: "Pick me some of that git rit down at the corner, kid"

    Foolish = a noun, someone acting stupid as in: "Dude, your new Nikes are wack, man" => "Shut up, foolish"

    Daddy Warbucks = a noun, a male holding a lot of that johnny cash

    Money Grip = same as above

  10. Hegemony or Survival - quite interesting perspective on things. Very critical of the US government but should be taken with a grain of salt.

    Anyone else read this? I'm only a few pages deep but would love to hear other's impressions.


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