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Shorty Long

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Posts posted by Shorty Long

  1. Thanks for the clarification. I always thought Levi actually sold the building. I think I got the info from this article:



    "The Friends School was started about six years ago by a group of parents and has outgrown its current space it rents from the San Francisco archdiocese in the Castro district. The group purchased the Levi Strauss building about two and a half years ago."

    Actually.. it wasn't sold to a quaker school, Levi's still owns the building and has donated it to the non-profit organization that runs the school. An amazing thing considering it's value and how much they could have profited off it had they sold or rented out the building.

    It's close to nothing. From what i understand Levi's loses money on LVC because it costs so much to run the division and in the end the production runs are very small, far smaller than what we'd think it would be.

  2. The turd that gave the go-ahead to close and sell that factory should be tarred and feathered.

    "perhaps becoming a museum but definitely staying in company hands even after its production lights go out, its stewards said." Hmmm, we can see now how sincere those particular stewards were. Sold to a Quaker school, I recall.
  3. I guess we could email the Levi site and ask them...but we all know how informative that wouldn't be.

    If they're in Levi retail shops, I might get a look at them as I'm heading to DC this weekend.

    I'll keep my eyes peeled.

    ^ Yeah, I think they do. I believe the Black Seed denim is Sanforized. And Paul, those do look good but I've never liked the feel of Sanforized cotton; always feels limp and lifeless to me. to each his own
  4. The site says the denim is White Oak though...do they even produce sanforized denim?

    too good to be true indeed...

    I've got a sneaky suspicion the fabric is sanforized. which I guess doesn't really matter.

  5. Nice work roy...much appreciated.

    The pdf reduced the picture quality slightly, so here are a couple of my favorite pages in a higher resolution:


    The original of the flasher graphic, Roy saw an option for "red tones" on the printer at the copy store and went with that for the flasher, which turned out really nice, but I like this version.


    The background for this and the pdf cover also came from the copy of Arizona Highways (March, 1958, .40 cents) that Roy lent me. He wanted the article on pima cotton to fit into this somehow.


    This was my favorite entry, graphically and fit-wise. Lits, you look like you fell out of the womb into these jeans.

  6. Looks very nice, but WHY the Short Horn tag on a "non-western" shirt?

    Quick and dirty pics of some of the first flannels to arrive from the new season.

    Made in italy. Gorgeous fabric. Sorry, forgot to check the price...



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