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Posts posted by RobbertJan


    Siegfried Sassoon

    I knew a simple soldier boy

    Who grinned at life in empty joy,

    Slept soundly through the lonesome dark,

    And whistled early with the lark.

    In winter trenches, cowed and glum

    With crumps and lice and lack of rum,

    He put a bullet through his brain.

    No one spoke of him again.

    You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye

    Who cheer when soldier lads march by,

    Sneak home and pray you'll never know

    The hell where youth and laughter go.

  2. All Dior Homme by Hedi Slimane collections, he got me into fashion in a big way, Solitaire, Luster, Votc etc. are considerd brilliant by everyone but i also liked the stuff that came after. Though I was glad Hedi turned back to evening wear with f/w 06. I love his aesthetic and exceptions there, I think most of his collections are very wearable.

    Also really liked N(n) Noir collection, very dark and beautiful pieces, I only own a hoodie by N(n) but it is one of the best made items i own, great attention to details and material.

    Undercover womans collection, the one where Jun mummified all the faces of the models and covered them in clothes. I thought it was an amazing collection and I really liked the overall look and feel of the collection.

  3. Few friends are into it as much as i am, the clothing thing that is, which is great cause we go on shopping trips to london and stuff together, always more fun if it's a mutual interest.

    with music and subcultures and stuff i definetly know a lot more than my friends, but then i read books about that stuff....

  4. 1) Goths, period, disgusting to look at

    2) Tjappies, typical Dutch thing: normal white kids pretending they come from marocco and talk with a dutch '' street'' accent and wear jackets with fur hoodie's all day.

    3) rich kids that only wear ralph lauren and think they're the bomb

  5. i'm with fade on the slouchy fit on the diors, i really like that. but to each his own. also about the quality of dior denim, only real denim experts will notice it. i think dior are by far the best jeans, because they look amazing, they have the perfect fit. i've got a pair of really faded and destroyed vintage looking dior 21 cm. best jeans i own.

    anyway tyler like all the people in this thread, wear what you want man. i agree with the argument that straight-legged jeans look boring. the tapered jeans look a lot more stylish and cool in my opinion. and if you want some skin tight jeans get a pair of acne's. i've got a pair of black mic, 16 cm leg opening. i also wear those slouchy, but the legs are really tight. anyway good luck with it!

  6. slim coat, bit of a military style, black, knee long, by g-starr.

    blue duffle coat by gloverall.

    black military style xavier delcourt jacket : http://www.xavierdelcour.com/pict%20numero%2013/men/pages/A38G3860.html

    dior homme 21 cm vintage ripped up jeans.

    levi's vintage slim faded.

    premiata black ankle boots.

    hugo boss orange label sneakers

    pair of leather chucks

    black bag from h&m.

    dior homme necklace

    number(n)ine red ripped up hoodie

    black v and crewneck sweaters, black/grey/red

  7. hey faust,

    i just got back from a trip to london. your list looks pretty good, can't really add anything. dover street market is the best store i've ever been to, i'd put liberty a bit higher on your list, they have great stuff. have fun!

  8. thanks for the insights dismalfuture and djrajio

    i think quite a few pieces are wearable and look good. though as said it's pretty much all a rip-off of stuff we've seen. and as a collection it's definetly crap, their's so much diversity in the styles etc. that the collection doesn't show the designer has his own aesthetic or vision. that's the whole purpose of a collection right, to show a designers vision, this more looks like the designer threw in all trends.

  9. talking about the best, you can't include price etc. that's not relevant. in my opinion in terms of cut, quality etc. etc. dior are best by far, and that scar on the back pocket is just a genius thing, it looks so cool.

    if got a pair of vintage looking dior jeans 21 cm in a size 29, they fit great and aren't to skinny. i've also got a pair of acne's, 16 cm size 30 and they look great, but they aren't as comfortable as the diors.

  10. I-D

    Code (www.code-mag.nl)

    I-D is wel known ofcourse, Code isn't. it's a new dutch magazine, they put out new magazines every 3 months. so far their have been 2 full isues and a test version. it's written half in english and half in dutch and their are lots of great articles. just check out their website if you are interested.

    i like the sound of a superfuture magazine, but their have been so many great ideas on here, sf tshirts, sf denim and whatnot. it would be a good idea, but we need someone that can actually do this, cause else all those ideas going on about here well never be realised. but then honestly who would buy it? most people interested in all the denim stuff are already on supertalk. it would just read a lot more easy then on a screen.

  11. number(n)ine red hoodie with one sleeve cut off and half of the body cut off

    dior homme vintage looking jeans

    dior homme necklace with british flag on it

    h&m black button down

    2k tshirt black with gold LA graphic

    24 third season dvd box

  12. as a collection it is way better then ss 06. personally it's not for me, most of the stuff is to feminine. slimane always like an androgynous look, but i feel this is going a bit to far. it's easy to explane why, since he has always hinted he wanted to do a womens collection in the near future. i do like the more constant things that return every collection, the jeans, the trenches and there were a few great jackets. i also feel that slimane is taking the youth sub culture's a bit to literally, they should be an inspiration and a reference, now most of it look like he just spends to much time on misshapes. i do think it's cool that he uses these london underground movements, but dior should be leading the fashion scene and should inspire those movements. now it's more like dior is just following it.

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