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Posts posted by RobbertJan

  1. haha sounds good man, who knows, maybe one day we will find ourselves in a little pub in some literary district of a big city, where the air trembles with smoke and we will discuss the complex character of dean moriarty or the extravagant dandyism of oscar wilde or the existentialism of raskalnikov........

  2. i dig your reading list.

    may i suggest reading "junky" before "naked lunch"? makes for a more natural progression.

    also, check out "a voice through the clouds" by denton welch, burroughs' favorite author

    thnx man, just bought junky! and also stumbled upon the complete and illustrated works by oscar wilde, reading picture of dorian gray atm, great book!

    i'll continue with junky after and planning on reading crime and punishment by dostoevsky

  3. i forgot to mention that peter can be of influence on the sort of literature you read, i was never really into all the classic works but then after hearing about some of them through peter i started to read some and i really liked it. so i think it's a great thing that he has this knowlegde of classic literature and poetry and he inspire young people like my self to emerge themselves in this literature.

    and i'd like to share a little story about peter that a lot of people probably don't know and it's one of the reasons i like him as much as i do:

    most people probably know that he plays what have become known as guerilla gigs, gigs in his apartment to fans that have read the announcements on time on the message boards. ofcourse unfortunately lately it's more of a quick way to get some drug money..... But still what kind of artist big or small does this kind of thing?

    And Peter did this together with Carl or others when he wasn't absorbed by his addiction, in the early days of the libertines ca. 2000. He would play a gig in his apartment and then after the gig he would go to his bedroom and the fans would enter one by one and he would play them the song that they requested, so they got a private gig! i mean that's one of those amazing things about him. And fans were asked to take something from the apartment, like a book or a dvd as a present. This for me is one of those magical things about Peter and Carl that have never been done before.

  4. Babyshambles just played the culture show on bbc2, did anyone see it?

    i thought it was a pretty good performance, but pete was wearing a fucking earring, i hope he loses it fast.....

  5. it's on rollingstone.com

    i'am assuming you meant the '' over the edge with pete doherty'' article, it was definetly a good read!:) just search for peter doherty, babyshambles or libertines on rollingstone.com

  6. a few of my favorite lyrics:

    1)An ending fitting for the start

    You twisted and tore our love apart

    Your light fingers through the dark

    Shattered the lamp into darkness, they cast us all"

    "No, you've got it the wrong way round

    You shut me up, and blamed it on the brown"

    Cornered the boy, kicked out at the world

    The world kicked back a lot fucking harder now

    2)I get along just singing my song

    people tell me I'm wrong

    FUCK 'EM

    3)And I love every inch of you

    Yes I do love every single inch of you

    But doesn't she get that warm glow inside?

    Shoots up your spine and blows through your mind

    Oh well, don't you tell me how blessed are the poor

    You've always wanted one slice more

    Than you and me

    Love for today makes

    My darling was a preacher on the Albion stage

    She might have been a preacher in the good old days

    We're drinking whisky in a brave new afternoon

    Don't people realise they've rolled past my tomb

    4)Well is it cruel or kind

    Not to speak my mind

    And to lie to you

    Rather than hurt you

    Well, I'll confess all of my sins

    After several large gins

    But still I'll hide from you

    Hide what's inside from you

    5)But if you've lost your faith in love and music the end won't be long.

    6)Cause we lived my dream today

    And I have lived it yesterday

    And I'll have lived it tomorrow

    No don't look at me that way

    Well I hate the way you say...

    But my heart has gone astray

    With all these friendships slipped away

    But there's a death, this musta be that way

    I lived my dreams today

    I lived it yesterday

    And I'll be living yours tomorrow

    Anything else to say?

    I lived my dream today

    I lived it yesterday

    And I'll be living yours tomorrow

    So don't look at me that way!

    7)The Saga

    A problem, here comes a problem

    When you let down your friends

    When you let down the people

    When you let down yourself

    Oh, and only fools, vultures and undertakers

    Will have any time for you

    8)Did you see the stylish kids in the riot?

    Shovelled up like muck and set the night on fire.

    Wombles bleed, truncheons and shields,

    You know I cherish you my love.

    9)I'm running away with you

    That's all I ever do

    And that's all we ever mean

    But I forgive you, everything

    Meet me at the railroad bar

    About 7 o'clock

    We talk while the sun goes down

    Watch the lovers leaving town

    10)So what's the use between death and glory?

    I can't tell between death and glory

    Happy endings, no, they never bore me

    Happy endings, they still don't bore me

    But they, they have a way

    A way to make you pay

    And to make you toe the line

    No I sever my ties

    Because I'm so clever

    But clever ain't wise

    And fuck forever

    If you don't mind


  7. I shouldn't have left Carl out of this story as much as i did. He's an incredible guy and a great talent in his own right no doubt about it. That's why the Libertines will be remembered as one of the greatest bands. But I think Carls talent lies more with the guitar. He's the musical mastermind, Pete's the best songwriter. So it's not true that Babyshambles play songs that Carl wrote. And Babyshambles have a sound that you really need to get into. I thought Down in Albion and the Blinding were big piles of ramshackle but after listening to it over 100 times, I appreciated it more with each listen. The songs are still there and although the sound has changed from the Libertines i prefer Babyshambles over DPT because they have the best songs and more of the Libertines spirit. DPT have the more produced sound and although i really liked Waterloo to Anywhere it's just not the same as the Babyshambles records.

    But this is of course my personal opinion, and i can understand that a lot of people like the sound of DPT better.

  8. A thread to discuss his MUSIC and POETRY, not to flame him down for what the tabloids write about him, cause that's just a total bore.

    I regard Peter as one of the most gifted songwriters and live performers of this generation. His talent first emerged when he won a poetry contest and went to Russia when he was 16. After hooking up in London with Carl they formed the Libertines. They played the London pub circuit as a mostly ska/skiffle band that wrote great songs about the mythical Albion. After meeting Banny Pootschi who became their manager they started to get some attention. They made a demo called '' Legs 11'' to send to record companies. This session is available for free download at albionarks.net and this is my favorite Libertines piece of music. This was in early 2000. Legs 11 wasn't enough to get them signed yet unfortunately because the time wasn't right yet. Then the Strokes shot to fame and suddenly Rough Trade started searching for a British answer. They remembered the Libertines and decided to sign them. Up the Bracket, their first studio album, was alot more fast and had more punk influences then Legs 11. They came to a sort of fame in a pretty short amount of time, and while their venues got bigger they still remained faithful to the London poetry scene and still played gigs and hung out at Filthy Mcnasty's. After Peter had been warned several times by the band to get his drug addiction under control, he was kicked out of the band after failing to attend a rehab in Thailand for longer then 3 days. Second album The Libertines was still released and entered the charts at number two. The Libertines got voted Best Band at the NME awards and were the biggest band in Britain. Unfortunately the had to kick Peter out so it all ended in an anti-climax. After that Peter went on to form Babyshambles and Carl formed Dirty Pretty Things.

    I hate Peter for wasting a lot of time hanging out with the wrong crowds and having an out of control problem. But I love him for writing some of the most important songs ever. To add to that, after reading a few books about him and seeing some documentaries, he's a great guy. Without the drugs Peter is an amazing guy to hang out with, he's inspired by great poetry and literature, from Blake and Byron to Sassoon and Wilde. He's a modern bohemian and a style icon for the '00s. I still listen to Legs 11 pretty much every day and i think it is the pinnacle of Carl and Peters talent. With introducing the guerilla gigs and posting his most private thoughts on the internet he broke the barrier between fans and their heroes.

    The Libertines also were mesmerizing live. The chemistry between Peter and Carl was amazing and it added another dimension to the songs.Although Babyshambles are hit and miss at gigs they still are brilliant when it's a hit.

    I recommend everyone that is inspired by this guy to read Bound Together and to watch Arena: Peter Doherty as well as watching live performances on youtube.

    It's a sad thing that because of his relationship with Kate Moss he's now a huge target for the tabloids. He's public property now and he shouldn't be cause they only print his story for all the wrong reasons.

    Modern music should be thanking Peter Doherty, for making things interesting, writing beautiful songs and inspiring a generation!


  9. just got back from playing soccer with some friends, genius weather for november here and played great to(H) 5 panna's in and i felt like ronaldinho

    hating myself for posting this while postponing the math homework for tomorrow....

  10. applying for uni in London, so dreaming of being there a lot:

    London, William Blake

    I wandered through each chartered street,

    Near where the chartered Thames does flow,

    And mark in every face I meet,

    Marks of weakness, marks of woe.

    In every cry of every man,

    In every infant's cry of fear,

    In every voice, in every ban,

    The mind-forged manacles I hear:

    How the chimney-sweeper's cry

    Every blackening church appals,

    And the hapless soldier's sigh

    Runs in blood down palace-walls.

    But most, through midnight streets I hear

    How the youthful harlot's curse

    Blasts the new-born infant's tear,

    And blights with plagues the marriage-hearse

  11. Kwing and me would be the foreign kids from Holland always playing around with a soccer ball during breaks and listening to the Libertines and talk about the new stuff that we are going to buy the next weekend.

    we'd be the soccer teams strikers, and stars cause americans completely suck at soccer:P

    this by the way is pretty real, since we are still in highschool in holland haha

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