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Posts posted by Fuuma

  1. Quote:

    like these? did they come with whistles?


    --- Original message by killyourself on May 29, 2005 11:17 AM

    These are too much but like someone else already mentioned their sportswear is hit and miss.
  2. Here's something I posted on styleforum, I thought i'd post it here too since it concerns APC:

    Got a nice APC dry denim jacket today, just wanted to point out that this is a great piece. I tried to find a picture on the apc website but couldn't find it anywhere...

    The jacket looks like a 507XX second type (pleated, 4 silver buttons, looks to be Selvedge, same back as the 507XX) but the two pockets are buttonless and there's an additional vertical stitching line on the back, ending at the bottom buttons nearest the center. It might be another model number as all the 507XX I've seen had buttons on the pockets. I'm definitely not a Levi expert so please help me.

    As all the other APC pieces that I have that aren't jeans, the jacket was made in France and is of excellent quality. The fitting is still a little off as it's a perfect fit at medium and I usually wear small. According to a fact sheet provided with the jacket: "The fabric used for this article has all the characteristics of a true indigo dyed denim (partly artisanal dyeing method)." Now if I'm correct that's pretty much saying they're like all the other "indie" denim brands (their own jeans, Nudie, Earnest sewn and their ilk...) and is basic marketing but I could also be wrong about that.

  3. I would advise agains't going true to size, as most people go two sizes down. I'm wearing my New standards size 28 right now and they're definitely larger than that (I'm still breathing)

  4. Quote:

    how do you people feel abput HUGO BOSS?

    --- Original message by dontcaretoomuchforcrap on May 28, 2005 02:37 AM

    hugo boss is crap, bad quality, cheap production etc etc.. and they made the SS uniforms in WWII...

    --- Original message by benzak on May 28, 2005 10:21 AM

    The SS uniforms were great design and amazing quality though.....but I get your point. Hugo boss has the Baldessarini line which is great but very costly. Boss is very well positionned as "accessible" designer clothing and that's why they've got some big market shares. Most customers don't see where the additional $500-1000 they'd pay to get a higher quality designer suit from another label goes so Boss is a great buy for them. On a personal level I can't wear the few pieces a like because they're usually too boxy.
  5. MiuMiu is another line made by Prada...

    As for prada and design I do like a lot of their stuff, it's pretty much one of my favorite mainstream designer. I'd say I'm more a Prada guy than a Gucci guy (okay that's so 2001 but still...) if you remember the old rivalry. Now that being said the quality and pricing varies a lot so you can get a cheap poly blend suit from Prada and an amazing one made from a wonderful batch of english wool they bough recently to make some retro looking designs.

  6. Quote:

    Second the Oldboy recomendation. One cool ass movie.

    Anyone here seen "Ichi the Killer"? Released a few years before Oldboy but I've seen a lot press comparing the two.

    --- Original message by Circa on May 27, 2005 04:56 AM

    Ichi the killer is pretty nice but I wouldn't compare the style to Oldboy...I mean they're both violent asian films but that's about it...
  7. Some of my favorite films, in chronological order. Feel free to ask questions...

    Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, the



    An andalusian dog/Un chien andalou

    All Quiet on the Western Front

    Atalante, l'

    39 steps

    Grand illusion, the/Grande Illusion, la

    Alexander Nevski

    Maltese falcon, the

    This gun for hire

    Beauty and the beast\Belle et la bête, la

    Bicycle thief, the

    Third man, the


    Tokyo story

    Seven samurai, the

    Diabolique/Diaboliques, les

    Rififi/Rififi chez les hommes, du

    Bob le flambeur

    Night and fog/Nuit et brouillard

    A man escaped/Un condamné à mort s'est échappé

    Paths of Glory

    Avventura, l'

    Dolce vita, la

    Breathless/À bout de souffle

    Last year at marienbad/L’année dernière à Marienbad

    Leopard, the

    Band of outsiders/Bande à part

    Woman in the dunes

    Battle of Algiers, the



    Belle de jour


    Samourai, le

    Once upon a time in the west

    Stolen kisses/Baisés volés

    Unfaithful one, the/Femme infidèle, la

    My night at Maud's/Ma nuit chez Maud

    Get carter

    Godfather, the

    Aguirre, the wrath of god

    Long goodbye, the

    Enter the dragon

    Magnificent one, the/Magnifique, le

    Mad adventures of rabbi Jacob, the/Aventures de rabbi Jacob, les

    Day for night/Nuit américaine, la

    Going places/Valseuses, les

    Godfather part II


    Graveyard of honor

    Taxi driver

    Annie Hall



    Under suspicion/Garde à vue

    Clean slate/Coup de torchon

    Knock on wood/Chèvre, la

    Blade runner

    Sans soleil

    Paris, Texas

    Last emperor, the


    Crimes and misdemeanors

    Do the right thing

    Kiki’s delivery service

    Killer, the


    Man bites dog/C'est arrivé près de chez-vous

    Hard Boiled

    Three colors: Blue/Trois couleurs: Bleu



    Three colors: Red/Trois couleurs : Rouge

    Drunken Master II

    Chungking express

    Hate/Haine, la



    Made in Hong Kong



    Odd one dies, the

    Mission, the

    Battle royale

    Code Unknown\Code inconnu

    In the mood for love


    Additional recent films that I really like:

    Three colors: White/Trois couleurs : Blanc

    Chungking Express

    Fight club

    The girl on the bridge/La fille sur le pont

    Saving private ryan

    Big blue. The/Grand bleu, le

    Longest nite, the

    Expect the unexpected

    Pulp fiction


    Crouching tiger hidden dragon


    Amores perros



    Fallen Angels

  8. I've contacted APC asking a few questions about the tight jeans and here's what they had to say:

    About the sizing: The tight jeans run slightly big, so we recommend that you go down a


    About marks that would look out of place on a shorter guy in the vintage version: In the vintage version, there are whiskers in the back of the


    About the tight/cure being selvedge: Due to the slightly tapered cut of the tight jeans, they are not made of selvedge denim.

    BTW I'm going to exchange my size 27 (28 inches waist) new standards for a size 28 and here's what they had to say about stretching and sizing: We do recommend that you go up a size, because the new standards will not stretch 2 inches. But we measured the waist of the 28 new standards and they are 30 inches.

  9. Hre comes the question of stretching again for all you denim experts. How much will dry denim really stretch according to your experience? I emailed APC about that, after all they should know, but I haven't really had some good feedback on the knowledge of their online support...not that I expect everyone working for a jean company to be a denim freak but management should communicate some basic and very useful information. Well anyway I'll let you know the answer I get, might be interesting...

  10. Quote:

    Return them. Get a size 29. They may stretch but they will shrink back down when you wash em.

    --- Original message by wild_whiskey on May 12, 2005 02:30 PM

    I intend to dry clean/hand wash them. I might eventually machine wash them cold using the "delicate" setting like I do with my other jeans but I'm not even sure about that, I guess I want to try some different stuff with this pair. The basic answer I'm looking for is : Will they stretch 2 inches? Because it they will then it's fine and they'll be a perfect fit but otherwise I might have to exchange them for a 28 (and risk getting something too big or too small since APC sizing is all over the place).

    BTW are you Brian_SD on styleforum?

    Yet another poster giving positive feedback about APC: These are my third pair of APC pants and I'm quite impressed with the overall quality of their products in three entirely different categories: dress pants, cords and now jeans. The other two I have were made in France (Tunesia for the new standards) and priced significantly higher yet I haven't seen any sign the jeans are of lower quality (aside from the sizing issues posters reported).

  11. Oh and if it helps (I never know) I normaly wear a size 1 or size small for pants in APC, I've just never bought any of their jeans before and my usual store was out of stock....

  12. I've just received my APC unisex/new standards size 27 (made in tunesia). I'm usually a size 30 fit and these are ultra tight/uncomfortable. I've measured the waist and it's about a 28 which seems about right since it should stretch to about 30. I think I'll keep them and wanted to know what you denim geeks think?

    BTW even the legs feel tight and I'm a pretty slim guy.

  13. Quote:

    My problem with D-Homme is that their shit falls apart. I have a couple Hedi Slimane pieces and all of them have been pretty shoddy as far as durability. I don't know if I'd buy dry jeans, an item you'd ideally be wearing for years, from a designer that produces only subpar durable items.

    --- Original message by wild_whiskey on May 11, 2005 11:47 AM

    That's also a concern of mine but I'd really like to get a jean with the dior ultra slim straight leg low waisted fit. I'm wondering if the "tight" APC jeans might be a viable or even better. alternative.
  14. Maybe he should get a t-shirt clearly stating he's not an homo, I'm suggesting a size S AA pink tee with gold lettering, that way those pesky deviants will leave him alone...

  15. Love the quality of APC products but I sure hope people on the website knew more about what they're selling.

    BTW I'm on the market for really tight jeans and was wondering about the differences (fit, material)between those three:

    1)APC Cure or Tight = same jeans right

    2)APC hipsters

    3)Dior Homme dry jeans (yeah I know HL is the only designer who understands denim blahblahblah...)

  16. Quote:

    obviously im in the wrong forum. this is just 4 urbany nerds dressed like 13 year old kids...

    --- Original message by HUNG_FAR_LOW on May 9, 2005 08:56 AM

    I believe that if you stay respectful you'll get respected eventually, by the way what are your favorite jewelry items, like I mentionned before I never wear any but I was thinking of maybe getting a simple bracelet or something of that kind.
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