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Posts posted by peteyross

  1. I'm not in any way looking for a boot cut (throws up in mouth). Let me be a little more descriptive about the lower leg. I've had dozens of 501 repros and even some newer lower waisted Dubble Works jeans that fit fine, perhaps a little baggy in the ass. However, the PBJ-005 fit is much slimmer in the leg and it bunches quite differently around the knee/shin area. I am not a fan of the baggy knee/tight shin look, and given the shape of my legs, I can totally see it happening with the PBJ-005 .

    Also, I am well aware that a 30 min cold soak won't bring in the waist that much, but I am equally concerned about the width of the legs shrinking. If I try to shrink the waist more, I will also have to shrink the legs.

    I'll work on pics/measurements when I get home from work.

  2. OK, I went through a 30 minute cold soak and then hung dry them over the tub. The waist came in 1, maybe 1,5 inches which sadly is not enough for me. Also, the legs came in about .75 to 1.0 inches, making the legs (mostly the knee and below) too tight compared to the waist. Surprisingly though, these things lost very little indigo (ie the bath tub water didn't turn all that blue).

    Despite their beauty, I don't think the fit is right for me. If anyone is interested, I'll sell them at $175 shipped in the USA (I paid 205 + Tax at Blue In Green two weeks ago). Let me know if anyone would like to see pics.

  3. I want to get my hair cut like Verbal from m-flo, here are some examples of his style:




    What numbers should I ask for at the barber for the top, sides, etc?

    A barber will probably not be able to give you this style. The cut looks simple but it's probably been done by a highly trained stylist who uses scissors and sophisticated techniques. I doubt a buzzer was used at all.

  4. I read the PBJ-005 thread but it seemed like most people had bought one-wash PBJ's.

    Can anyone share their shrinkage experience with raw PBJ-005? I've got a pair of size 32's and I'm wondering how much the waist shrinks in relation to the rest of the leg. I'd like to get the waist to shrink roughly 2 inches but I can only stand about an inch of shrinking on the width of the legs. Any insight is appreciated. Thanks.

  5. From my experience, MHI is fairly narrow in the shoulders and wide in the body. The body seems wide in relation to the shoulders, almost like the opposite of tapered. I think it's supposed to fit fairly relaxed though. The model on dpmhi.com seems to be wearing the clothes as they were intended to fit. Also, other than M65 coats, the length of the knit sweaters, t-shirts and coats with waistbands seem to be short and boxy. I'm 6 ft, 165 (square shoulders, small waist) and I don't fit into the clothes very well unless I'm going for a baggier silhouette. I own 2 M65's by them though, both size medium..

  6. i didnt know supreme is from new york because they had it on rakuten and that confused me since most rakuten brands are nihongo. maybe the dry spell is attributed to them not getting their f/w shipment in...or not. ii was only gonna get a hat. their box tees dont do it for me.

    Not to be nitpicky but....none of the brands on rakuten are Nihongo. Nihongo is a language.

  7. Union in NYC has the new Neighborhood denim for this season. The rigid raw (whatever they're calling it on the tag) was selling for about $375. I'm pretty sure Union gets their Neighborhood stuff directly from Neighborhood so that is not a reseller price.

  8. I hate to be that guy with jeans, black shoes and two buttons undone on a striped shirt. Unforntunately though this seems to be a standard get-up that passes most dress-codes and or bouncers.

    What have other people rocked? (keep in mind I'm talking about higher-end clubs here...like $300-$400 per bottle table service type places)

  9. I would agree with the guy above me about the size. I'm 6' 1'', 165lbs and I fit perfectly into the Paul Smith size 40R slim cut (not the regular cut). How heavy are you? Did someone at the store help you out?

  10. Off the top of my head, My girlfriend likes:


    Flying A

    Head Porter


    Bloomingdales Soho

    Big Drop

    Only Hearts

    Air Market

    Famous Friends

    Seize Sur Vingt

    Marc Jacobs

    Sigerson Morrison

    Rebecca Taylor

    Among others...

  11. Recently my favorite shirts have been Seize Sur Vingt and Paul Smith's higher end shirts. However I am an advocate of fabric quality, fit and construction instead of certain brands.

    I've heard good things about Agnes B but I have never bothered to go in their store. Maybe I'll have to drop by.

    Ralph Lauren's higher end shirts are also fairly nice (ie Purple Label) but I wouldn't pay full price for them.

    If you're going to pay alot for a shirt ($200 plus), there is a point at which you should be getting made-to-measure or bespoke. Paying for quality fabrics and construction is a much smarter move than paying for a designer label.

  12. You guys are forgetting that he's a diplomatic aristocrat....he's gotta have cake if he's diplomatic and aristocratic so let's not worry about price.

    In all seriousness though, your best bet to get Samurai jeans is to (1) ask a friend in Japan, (2) use a bidservice (ie Celga), or (3) fly to Japan and buy them there.

    Edited by peteyross on Mar 12, 2006 at 08:21 AM

  13. Seize Sur Vingt and Paul Smith keep me nice and fresh.

    I've heard Agnes B is nice as well but I haven't been to try them on.

    Charles Tyrwhitt is good for the price but in all honesty, they aren't very slim (even the fitted ones).

    Once you delve into the $100+ price range, its very hard to go back. You really just have to wait till your favorite shirt maker has a sale. Then you buy like 5-10 shirts and you're good for a while.

    A tailor can also solve many fit related problems.

  14. I was in Supreme last week and they didn't have any t-shirts out. None.

    They had a handful of left over sweatshirts that were on sale.

    No jeans.

    One, maybe two sweaters.

    The place is even more empty than it normally is. Maybe you should wait for a new spring stock.

  15. Quote:

    Rakuten has those premium Edo Ai's for 16800 yen, or about $250 US!! I mean, really, who does History Preservation think they're kidding? Thanks to the internet this world is a whole lot smaller, nothing is really out of reach any longer, and often what one is searching for can be had less expensively. I know when I'm getting hosed. Are you listening History Preservation? We should stay on this topic just in case HP does read it. They're probably curious how people are reacting to all their new product. Let them know that "Yeah, we like the label and want to buy. But NOT from you."

    Edited by Edge_Of_Denim on Feb 28, 2006 at 10:52 AM

    --- Original message by Edge_Of_Denim on Feb 28, 2006 10:47 AM

    16800 yen is more like $145. Throw in shipping, bid service, etc and your price is probably around 200. So while you were way off with the conversion, the point you were trying to make is way more pronounced.
  16. I was under the impression that New Balance left China years ago. They disagreed with the property rights situation (ie fakes) and even after they officially left, the factories they used continued to produce fake NB's.

    New Balance has a "Made in UK" line which is very nice. They also have a "Made in the USA" line which I think is made in their Boston location.

    Most designer shoes (ie Marc Jacobs) are probably made in Italy.

    Where is Vans made?

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