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    • That's got to be wrong. Otherwise my FC binge this year was particularly well timed. 
    • Pardon the quality of the photos. They are screenshots from video. So yesterday around noon my dogs started freaking out. I thought a coyote perhaps, but when I looked out the window here's what I saw...   After a moment of disbelief, thinking where did they come from & how did they get here, I went outside to take a look. Apparently I seemed untrustworthy & they wandered off to the far end of our property. Luckily our fences are decent, but they really didn't seem like they wanted to get out.   So after making some calls 911, & getting a referral to Animal Control, someone came around & checked the ear tags. Not long after the owner showed up.     He asked if I would mind driving his truck & trailer while he went in on horseback to bring them out. Would I mind?? I've been waiting all my life for an adventure like this!!     Here's the rancher guiding the cows out to the road. Initially I had thought the plan would be to load them in the trailer right there but apparently cow behaviour requires a more complicated procedure. This consisted of getting the cows onto a neighboring property where there is a corral.  The white car contained Mrs CSL, coming home from work btw. On first attempt rather than going to the right, the cows veered off to the left into the wrong gateway which luckily was closed.   After this I was instructed to bring the truck ahead of the desired entryway & park in a position that would guide the cows in.     The second attempt was successful the three cows were herded a ways back on to that property to a corral.    The next operation was to get the cows into a smaller corral & back the trailer up to that gate, accurately so they animals couldn't get tangled in any gaps around the trailer. Once this was done, the rancher shoo'd the cows into the trailer, and then loaded his horse. Then back to Chez CSL to drop me off & we were done.   Kinda blew my day but it was a fun adventure & I learned a few things about cows.... And I came home to find my Fullcount 30th anniversary jacket had arrived, so a good day all around. (Rinsed today)                         IMG_1483 2.HEIC
    • I just noticed that! Bears raised their Fullcount prices like a year or so ago, and it didn't last too long.  It seems like an error to me.  Their prices in yen are much higher than the Fullcount website.
    • https://redcastheritage.com/products/fullcount-2102w-13-7oz-type-ii-denim-jacket @andrew_ a bit cheaper than BEARS (I can't believe I just typed that)
  • Benzak Denim Developers
    European denim and lifestyle brand from Amsterdam

    Companion Denim
    Handcrafted denim from Barcelona

    Dawson Denim
    British made selvedge workwear from Hove

    Legendary Japanese denim brand

    Native American-owned denim line

    Japanese denim and streetwear from Tokyo

    Iron Heart
    Heavy duty denim

    Japanese denim

    Lone Flag
    Modern denim and menswear born in southern CA

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