By beautiful_FrEaK · Posted
My oldest items are several Denime Orizzonti era items without Orizzonti on the care tag, which makes them pre 1998. -
Good timing, just saw these pop up: https://www.instagram.com/p/DHxsGl4vkcO/?img_index=1 https://www.instagram.com/p/DHvXgpEvKFY/?img_index=2
Benzak Denim Developers
European denim and lifestyle brand from AmsterdamCompanion Denim
Handcrafted denim from Barcelona
Dawson Denim
British made selvedge workwear from HoveEvisu
Legendary Japanese denim brandGinew
Native American-owned denim lineHINOYA
Japanese denim and streetwear from TokyoIron Heart
Heavy duty denimKOJIMA GENES x SF
Japanese denimLone Flag
Modern denim and menswear born in southern CA -
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