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7 (yes seven!) Samurai 'Plain' loopwheeled tee - size XL - Mishap batch bargain

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7 (yes seven!) Samurai 'Plain' loopwheeled tee - size XL - Mishap batch bargain

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200.00 USD

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So I have seven of these white Samurai loopwheeled tees. One for each day of the week. 

They're my favourite white tee ever, and yeah I've tried all the usual recommendations. 

Made in Japan, good weight, nice soft hand and they wash really well.

EXCEPT, when you accidentally wash them with a black tee... 

So here's the deal, they're VERY SLIGHTLY faded to a less white-white due to the above mishap. I replaced them, so I'm selling these ones at a bargain price.

Here in the UK, these would cost you £560 to buy new.

Other than the colour, they're in great condition. Fit fairly small for an XL, probably closer to a L.

I'll ship them free to the UK, and have factored in additional costs to send elsewhere in the listing price.

Can provide receipts if required.








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