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i'd have to agree wif this in a lot of cases--especially if the washrooms belong to bigger facilities. and women's bathrooms that aren't cleaned more than once a day smell really really awful because the garbage bins have bloody tampons or pads.

and then lots of girls freak out about unflushed shit, so they just leave it there to stew and don't tell the janitors or nonthin (if they're afraid of overflows)...

and about the squat--i dislike the girls that freakout over toilet seats that look ok-clean, proceed to squat and get their piss splashes on the seat and then don't wipe it off. *_*

i do not understand girls who are afraid of flushing. seriously... it came out of your asshole. just flush the goddamn thing down. take some ownership of your own digestive system!!

there are honestly untold horrors in women's bathrooms. i saw a stall covered in explosive diarrhea... a log that totally missed the bowl and fell onto the ground... bloody tampons on seats. piss soaking the ground.

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You know when you find that really clean restroom, smells nice, toilet paper's soft, and when you go to wash your hands and the washing fountain/sink/taps are amazing!

The hand towels are soft and the doors are automatic...

I like those types of toilets...

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i was drunk from party in Gorki park with narcotica friends. brown heroin we dance in mud all night, $3 vodka. it rain

yes i does rememberings thats. we dranks under wet raindrops and showed are booobs to each others accident. and i wore denim skirt. i glad this club has no mens becuz they is badz.

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Didn't we make a rule about bringing girlfriends onto the future? Not singling you out 78 but it usually doesn't end well.

Nah 78 isnt my boyfriend! hahaha

I fuckin' roll with the best of them! I done my time!

You would want to hang with me too!

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jj & Westsiiiiiiiiide - eam my girl? pppppfffffffffffffftttttttttttt... hell after she refused to pee on me it was all downhill from there... she couldn't keep up... left for the real fat stash.

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jj & Westsiiiiiiiiide - eam my girl? pppppfffffffffffffftttttttttttt... hell after she refused to pee on me it was all downhill from there... she couldn't keep up... left for the real fat stash.

Blahahahaha 78 you are a comedian at times.

I couldnt keep up...Yeah I left for the real Stash. shhh he's right over there.

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^ yeah and I think you owe me after that bag... and I ain't talkin' about something at arms reach... I'm talkin' something special...

Edison and Futura are all here...

should I swipe Edisons hat? or I have a cool stapler and tape dispenser!

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^ Yeah on the daily. Well atleast once a week. We're working together on ish. Macca Mesh is taking over the fuckin world. Bought a building last year. www.72erskine.com. Tsang just hooked up a show there (look under current event).

Nice with the mug. I had to steal one of my mom's mugs... nice bone-china but with those damn Laura Ashley like flowers all over it. Hella tuff guy. HA. Not a good look with the clients.

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^ Yeah on the daily. Well atleast once a week. We're working together on ish. Macca Mesh is taking over the fuckin world. Bought a building last year. www.72erskine.com. Tsang just hooked up a show there (look under current event).

Nice with the mug. I had to steal one of my mom's mugs... nice bone-china but with those damn Laura Ashley like flowers all over it. Hella tuff guy. HA. Not a good look with the clients.

You should get your nails painted in pink to go with your bitch mug! hahaha

I'll get you boy mug. What T shirt size are you now...Last time I checked you were a Large.

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