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Posts posted by suchislife

  1. I was wondering if the Levi’s was still struggling to sell those 1955 Japan 501s so I checked the app and it looks like the Type 1 is now available in the EU for £240.  It’s the same serial number as the 1 found on Hinyoa, so maybe it’s MiJ too.



    There doesn’t seem to be a Type 2, I also have a feeling that LVC might re-release the Triple Pleated Blouse and 1890s 501.  They recently posted them on their Instagram and they don’t tend to post items they don’t sell.

    The Triple Pleated Blouse is on my wish list, I’d love to have 1.



    The Type 1 is also on End Clothing for £279 which is odd.


  2. @Thanks_M8 That might be a good option, I can do without pockets.

    @MJF9 That's actually ridiculous, £445 for a layer of insolation? Looks like a good reproduction thou.

    @bartlebyyphonics Thanks for the info, army surplus store seems to be the best option for me. I don't want wrist warmers and I just want a layer of insolation under my denim jacket on warmer winter days.

  3. Hi all, any recommendations for a military jacket liner.

    I'm looking for something simple with pockets, it would be cool if it could be attached to M-65 but not necessary.

    Design-wise I like the Buzz Rickson versions but I don't really want to spend that much.


    Any suggestions?

  4. On 10/14/2021 at 12:10 PM, cool_hand said:

    I managed to snag a Cone Denim Made in USA Type 1 a couple of years ago half price. The Store didn't realise what they had and I managed to work out it was most likely a Cone model and not a newly released made in Bulgaria Trash. I got lucky. As I remember the arms were roomy but settled down after it was soaked. I would avoid machine washing - I did mine cold on a delicate cycle but the denim really softened up after that - just soaking retained the deep indigo rigid look which I prefer but it'll get there eventually whatever you do. Your MiJ looks a great repro - looks identical to my made in USA. It's a great fitting jacket.

    I threw it in the washing machine then panicked for a second. Post wash it fits way better than my TCB s40 the sleeves aren’t as baggy anymore but till loose enough to wear a thick jumper underneath and be comfortable.  I’ll take the measurements and post them next week.

  5. Received my MiJ Type 1 from Hinoya, here are the measurements in inches I got an XL(44)

    Chest: 24
    Length: 26.1
    Sleeve: 26
    Shoulders: 21

    The arms feel bigger than normal reminds me of my TCB s40 jacket, I'm going to give it a soak then share the measurements when I get a chance.

    I'm happy with it, my only concerns are the bagginess of the arms.







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