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Posts posted by 1i1i1ii1

  1. Figured I would x-post my thoughts on the new graph cardigan. 

    5 minutes ago, Avattoir said:

    Are there people who buy AV to look like the styling on the arc website? I for one appreciate sites like eastdane for their awful styling; better chance things will stick around for sales.

    NYCO on voronoi still the same stuff that ages like a fine piss? Any word on how this BURLY(TM) stuff they use in MX pieces might fare? 

    Despite often wearing full veilance i’ve accepted that i don’t have the target body type of the models they choose so I’ve started to temper my expectations of what the clothes will actually look like when i get them heh. 

    Burly double weave should hold up better than the (awful) voronois. it’s more of a soft shell and if it’s anything like the gamma rock pant or gamma lt it should fare much better in the long run 

  2. 17 minutes ago, junkie_dolphin said:

    The new Graph has the same problem as the Dyadic Hoody: those front pockets sit strangely and make me look like I have a belly. The cut's also wider, and the collar is sort of like the Nemis collar... sort of bacony in the way it ripples...

    does it have that tight band at the bottom like the dyadic? or is it less restrictive

  3. 5 hours ago, johngalt said:

    Would you have a Frame in Utility to compare to?

    don’t have an in hand comparison but the mortar is distinctly greener and darker. mortar is almost the midpoint between peat and utility but a bit darker. one other note that i’ll mention is so far it has done a GREAT job of sweat management and unlike my ash frame, doesn’t show through in quite such an invasive way haha. 

  4. 10 hours ago, branespload said:

    Is it more of a brown, a khaki, an olive, a green? Grey even? It looks like a desaturated, greyish khaki in some photos, very brown/yellow khaki on some Instagram photos, and straight up green in the teaser video.

    it’s a VERY odd color, at least in merino. i took this photo to show it in comparison to a few other colors. the pants are veilance khaki, the bag is rick owens and a mid-light brown the bag is a deeper washed out olive green. it’s closest to the olive but with a bit more of a brown undertone. hope this sort of helps hahah. 

    also thanks junkie for the info on the isogon! i’m most excited for the align mx pants in that material but might need to look into the full set! 


  5. i’m going all in on mortar and alloy. they look so good together and i’ve got enough black at this point. 

    really sad about the mionn. easily one of the best jackets veilance has done. i like the conduit quit a bit it will just be a matter of keeping it clean because i’m obviously getting alloy :P 

  6. 5 hours ago, pompadork said:

    pants aren’t really doing it for me :/ p25s were outlandish but minimal and i didn’t the cut of the 30s as much but the pockets made them more built out and “utilitarian”. these look like the cut of the 30s without the fun of the big pockets :(. at least the p23a still looks good 

  7. 1 hour ago, Dolphinski said:

    So I bought a pair of large P30-CH minutes after the drop and there were still all sizes left after my purchase. This morning i get a UPS shipping notification from Acronym. Then 5 hours later i get an email saying my purchase had been refunded with no explanation. I check UPS and the shipping has been cancelled. Seriously not happy, I've been waiting for months for those to drop.

    If anyone has bought them (or the P30-DS) in large, or maybe even XL, and doesn't want to keep them when they arrive, can you please let me know? Would really appreciate it guys.

    https://www.instagram.com/wklcarl_hk contacted me through facebook because his friend got a size L but doesn’t want to keep them. i would reach out to him. sorry you got screwed over. 

  8. i went to NY and saw a bunch of people! i had to pack light (3 day trip all into a 3a-1) so i’m wearing the same thing but i figured i would share a few duo shots with other community members! i’ll do my best with formatting and outfit details. sorry for the incoming mammoth of a post. 


    acronym j25-ss

    veilance frame ss

    veilance voronoi shorts 

     nike x acronym lf1

    acronym 3a-1 (‘07 olive)



    nikelab jacket



    3a- 5ts



    acronym j56-s

    uniqlo BIG cargos

    rick rams

     acronym 3a-3ts



    isogon jacket

    frame ss

    apparat pants

    bbs salomon speed cross 


  9. 33 minutes ago, Chiels said:

    Would like to know about dyadic comp hoody sizing opinion, I vaguely remember in previous discussions that people suggested to have a size up? or just TTS? Tried to look it up but failed to find it......


    in my experience it fits tight but only because of the waist band. if you have even slightly wide hips sizing up is a must but if you taper down well you could get away with a TTS. the thing that makes it hard (for me) is the XL fits my hips and shoulders but the L fits my arms and chest :/ 

  10. 34 minutes ago, xzamx said:

    Anyone here own the Nemis jacket? Seems like a lightweight basic bomber. Nothing really too special. 

    i feel like you could refer to any veilance piece as “like a basic ___” but the *angel* is in the details. the nemis functions very well as a spring and summer piece to the point where one could easily wear it mid summer and not overheat. the two internal pockets also make for excellent storage. i however no longer own a nemis because i traded it away opting for a blazer lt as my go to light weight SS piece. the nemis is what you make of it and they seem to be getting better with the collar issues as well. 

  11. 24 minutes ago, eidolarr said:

    Despite how awesome the jacket is I'm probably going to end up selling or trading it because of this... the inner jacketsling is the one gimmick I absolutely love

    interesting. what makes you prefer inner to external jacket slings by such a large margin? i find the internal to get a bit annoying when sitting in a chair or on the T. 

  12. 16 hours ago, scamster said:

    maybe stupid this thought but do you think these manufactures; veilance for example maybe pleased to see counterfeit items on ebay, grailed and other used internet marketplaces so it'll hopefully discourage people purchasing from these platforms and only going to authorised retailers and direct from themselves? no money for them buying second-hand, only new!

    i doubt they would be happy about but my guess is with something like veilance or acronym they’re relativley unfazed by fake items because (unlike off white or similar) the real shine of the pieces can’t be replicated in some bootleg factory. the fan base for them is strong enough that the few people would would get reps fall by the way side. 

    second hand websites have there flaws but one strong feature of grailed is the get more eyes on a brand and after a few articles and features i think grailed is on pretty good terms with veilance and the fakes are just a sad price of admission. 

    just my 2 cents 

  13. 2 hours ago, mariahscarry said:

    am i allowed to include Veilance in this forum now?

    i would keep that to urban techwear sales. if it’s a spreadsheet like that and there are a few veilance pieces it should be fine. it’s hard enough finding acronym stuff for sale so this place should stay as clean as possible. 

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