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Posts posted by insted

  1. yohji frayed hem trousers









    cdgh+ rayon trousers

    (image is waaaay too big in here for some reason, so here is link)



    pictures for the cdg look awful, but i've been looking for trousers from yohji or rei for a little while on y!jp and i've found these both in the country and for about the same price i'd see them go for on there anyway. i think i like the frayed hems a little better, and they're being sold for less, but what do you guys think? rayon would drape so well...

  2. Let's revive this thread. Anyone up for a trade?



    trade as in send each other beer? yea i'm down. lots of decent craft beers here in atx i could do a nice package. how does it work though how do they not shatter into oblivion in transit

  3. Have been drinking Tsing tao in asia and occasionally Corona


    haha, when i lived in beijing there were these giant bottles of tsing tao for like 3rmb (i think it's gone up a bit) and literally you pissed the entire bottle out within minutes of finishing one. i absolutely do not think they were real tsing tao, they tasted nothing like the smaller bottles. also many times at san li tun i would see one of those giant bottles get smashed on someone's head. fucked up but p funny :3


    but, the reg tsing tao's were actually not so bad as far as china beer. kind of miss them u_____u

  4. i think the point is, as far as journalism (and several career options) goes/go - you need to grind, grind, and grind. it's not going to be flashy, it's going to be bitter and brutal. honestly, taking a journalism course or minoring in journalism is really not a bad idea at all, because it teaches you how to properly structure your research and how to formulate opinions without sounding biased. also you get basic copy/editing insight, a few courses in media, and some computer courses. 


    as far as a major in journalism - i don't know, i mean a degree is a degree, but i don't know. i think a great idea if you want to set yourself up to be a writer or anything field specific is to get a minor in it, and couple it with a more broad major. that way you get the advantage of casting a wide net, and you have some special skills related to what you want to do.or get an entry level internship and really prove yourself (which will already require an associates at least, so idk, whatever you think works best). journalism happens to work p well as an associates because it implies critical thought and developed research skills. not saying it's the best option, i happen to think it makes a lot of sense. although i think you're better off doing an associates in something first to at least see if you like the coursework, rather than going ahead and declaring a major/minor. idk if you can do that where you live, not sure how the degree plans work. if you can take a few classes here and there before finalizing on what you are fully studying, i would definitely recommend playing around and getting a feel for what you like.

  5. been tempted to get dayz while it's cheap, but it still looks a little too rough and buggy. played the mod a ton. i really need to build a new computer.


    been playing path of exile a lot.


    path of exile is p cool, i've been playing that, dota 2(lol) and ff8. need to  continue fallout 3 too. i've just been using steam on a below average pc and i can run all of these games alright. 


    ff8 is sooooo frustrating with all of the magic draws... junctioning magic is a kind of cool idea / fucking nightmare!

  6. with journalism i think your calling should definitely be to write. like always cloudy said, you can still do journalistic work studying design - just find proper internships and get experience doing so and eventually your work will be equally credible as someone who studied / went to school for journalism. if you're looking to work for a publication, there is almost always a suggested predisposed approach that aligns with their agenda or aesthetic.


    i wanted to take a more diy approach with my interest in it, and focus less on working for publications and more producing my own work and kind of working freely in whatever field interests me. just something supplemental to have paired with whatever i'm going to actually major in. 

  7. starting my first 'real' semester at uni, 'real' because i've started and stopped three times and have a zero GPA and less 30% completion rate. 


    feels really good though, cut back to just working one day a week so i'll still earn a bit of cash. going to do an associates in journalism while also studying japanese and then go study / teach abroad for a year or two in japan before resuming bachelors studies. i paid for the first installment of my schooling payment plan, paid for my car to get an oil change / check up, and even though i'm practically broke i'm satisfied with my (very basic) wardrobe at the moment and the direction i'm heading. 


    feel like now that i'm not working as much, i'll have less desire to spend the money i'm making on stupid shit (stupid because i can't really afford it) like food and alcohol and save a bit and cop some jawnz on the side. start cooking more. start running more. 2013 was about setting everything up and now i'm getting shit done. 


    lastly, among my credit courses i'm enrolled in a painting class. i can't fucking wait to start painting.

  8. herps as someone who sometimes feels his city is under and at the same time over appreciated (or generally misunderstood), i think you provided an apt summary of the current austin vibe. can definitely respect the effort u put in to properly take in what ATX has to offer. if u come through again i'd be keen on revisiting some of these joints and also goin out to tatsuya and see what u think.


    again, it's cool to see a peer assessment this detailed. i think if more cats come thru and curate where it is they hit up and become a deliberatey active crowd of taste makers maybe this city can develop and then provide a more mature / cohesive experience. feels kind of all over the place sometimes.

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