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Posts posted by insted

  1. I like the idea of being productive but I have no self discipline and can't bring myself to actually be productive. Sometimes I daydream of how awesome it would be if I just got shit done in a timely manner and got my life organized, but when I go to do it I cringe away and numb myself with useless entertainment



    i really feel this. it's actually starting to drive me insane. i'm in uni this semester and i wrote my first paper the night before it was due. i'm doing well enough in my classes, and i know exactly what i need to do to get A's, but for some reason i've been avoiding it.


    i'm doing better about getting shit done now, though. i'm fixing some smaller bad habbits which are leading me to be more productive. going to start reading again too, the discipline it takes to sit down and properly read always carries over into the rest of my life. i think i'm just thinking about too much at the moment and need to simplify everything about my life. 


    i've gotten really obsessive over spending money on clothes. even little things. i had $60 dollars in my account, and i spent $60 on a shirt because "i get paid soon, and my tax returns will come in, and i have x amount in cash, and i'm buying it resale so it's a deal, etc"


    it's a real problem, i'm obviously trying to fill some void. i'm stopping because i'm realizing jawnz aren't going anywhere. i don't need to dress top-tier right now just because i want to. i need to live within my means, which realistically means anything above american apparel price tier is a bit ridiculous but nonetheless i've been kopping designer joints. it's way cooler to feel / look comfortable and decent with what you can work with than to try and shut shit down every day on a college budget and the only time you get out of the house is to attend classes.


    i feel like i'm coming out of a drunken fury thinking "what the fuck happened last night" only last night has been months


    for what it's worth tho.... i really do have some cool clothes to work w for a while

  2. the year of "stop fucking around u bitch"


    1. Finish semester w/ at least two A's
    2. Take a course over the summer
    3. Stretch more
    4. Start playing soccer again
    5. Finish reading 1984
    6. Read some greek mythology
    7. Read The Teachings of Don Juan
    8. Paint more
    9. Chill the fuck out
    10. Kop a dope backpack
    11. Hike / camp / nature more
    12. Grow food in garden
    13. Build something
    14. Get record player
    15. Chill the fuck out
  3. if you have sensitive skin i'd be very cautious over using exfoliants and brushes. shaving is already a form of exfoliation, and you don't need to exclusively exfoliate more than once or twice a week. it starts to really wear on your skin.

    some of the ingredients also have really rough particles that can do more harm than good.

    i started using cetaphil face wash & cetaphil spf moisturizer and i finally returned to a neutral feeling oil balance. i was using organic face washes for a while which would just dry my face out really badly in which case i would over moisturize and have really oily looking skin.

    i put on coconut oil at night w my moisturizer, and for the day a light coat of spf 15 moisturizer. it's been working great so far.

  4. he definitely doesn't look like a dude who'd wear EG or WM LOL


    literally just put a leather jkt on over that shit, stand up straight and it will look fine.


    wasn't saying he should wear either of those brands. wasn't telling him what to do at all because that's very counter intuitive. 

  5. its a total cliche but i really only liked ice grillz...it was just fun, didn't take itself seriously and filled mental's void a little. i remember when i first heard the track 'cold world, double-checked at the turntable parts and wrote them off but secretly i thought it was catchy as hell. i bought dedicated when it dropped but never liked it even after repeated listens. i also really liked that gypsy LP when it came out, but haven't listened to it for a while now.



    word, i guess context is everything. dedicated was one of the first hardcore albums that got me into hardcore in the first place so it will always have that special place for me.


    anyone in here play/ played in hardcore bands? how did that go? any stories?

  6. i didn't like dedicated... much and i found the track with sean p really embarrassing. saying that, they look like fun and they toured australia last year but i stupidly didn't go.

    edit: forgot to say earlier that woj's new chelsea girl EP is insanely good, especially the title track. wish he would do more.


    i literally have only listened to songs dedicated to babies who came feet first, and as far as i've heard there is no other album worth hearing.


    i guess i'm a poser lmao but real talk if you haven't given that album a good listen through, recommended 

  7. copt yohji and cdgh+ trousers both for under $200.....


    not recent collections or anything, but i don't give a fuck they are nice as and are going to work perfectly with my wardrobe.


    what previous users have said is so fucking true. if u try to "ball on a budget" and throw together a steezy closet for cheap buying zara, h&m, qlo, aa, etc, you are going to end up within two months feeling tired / sick of everything you bought, and also feel really limited. with all the money u spent on wasted piecees u could have bought a dope ass designer joint or maybe two. i have a four pack of hilfiger white t's that fit p dope and are almost the only 'basic' ts i wear. then i have a couple viscose aa t's, which fit amazing and are on sale at aa for $16. 


    then i got my acnes for under $100, then i got a pair of deadstock style made in england 1461s also for under $100 scouring ebay, picked up some uu basics for very cheap on y!jp, and before i know it i have a cool basic wardrobe that gets as deep as i want it to be right now all for a few hundred $ stretched over a couple months. i have a color tone, and a cohesive aesthetic. not shit i would blast out in WAYWT, but it's getting there, and more importantly i understand the context of my wardrobe and where it's going. keep my eye on a handful of designers, and whichever pieces i end up gravitating towards / brooding after i will save for and kop. follow those items closely on auction sites, figure out how much the demand is, judge your willingness to buy accordingly. this shit takes time and careful planning.


    if u r cheap like me, that is.


    i am not recommending anyone do what i did, because again, any part of this process can go severely wrong if u don't know how something is going to fit u. it's a lot of trial and error, but get one sick ass pair of shoes, or one sick ass piece of denim, or one sick ass jacket, etc, and slowly piece shit together from there. u can do it cheap freaks just do it right and with sense

  8. Didn't even know this stereotype existed. Was thinkin just bout everybody liked a good steak lol. Tbf tho most veg ppl i meet are girls

    I don't think the context is translating too well, I don't feel that stereotype, the women saying they liked steak derailed the class discussion to try and put out there it is so unusual for them to like steak. I guess the more shit I hate is people recognizing lame ass stereotypes thinking back on my original post it was def a "u had to be there" thing so never mind lol

  9. yLmT6eol.jpg


    mate u are bullshit 


    /edit: not tinny's fit, homeboy editing to show tinny's fit as a -60+ fit


    //edit: original post was home boy replying to tinny's fit "wow much fashion very white" or some shit

  10. i hate girls in class that are so eager to prove they aren't ~typical girls~ my bio teacher was using an analogy for a perfect world in which women actually wanted to go to steak restaurants or s/th and these two girls were like "oh, i actually LOVE steak, idk, that's where it's AT man!1!!!1! steak and potatoes!"


    like ok it was a broad playful analogy, not something to take seriously and try and define yourself challenging. i am SO unlike the rest of the pack~


    /edit: girls in general that do this

  11. my goal is to do something that my parents never would have dreamed of themselves growing up in poverty in the philippines. when we moved here to america, my dad was almost jobless and had to babysit a kid next door and my mom worked 80 hours a week to get me and my siblings through school. now I'm a senior in college about to start my last semester of nursing school. i'm hoping to go back as soon as i can while i don't have kids, a house to pay for, etc. to get my doctorates to become either a nurse practitioner or nurse anesthetist.


    damn man, that's deep shit. sounds like you're working with a great head on your shoulders and an honest drive. your ambition will prove to be your greatest asset. it's funny, when you know what it is you want to do and know how you need to do it, nothing seems impossible or unrealistic.


    let us know how things are going - your parents deserve to see you thrive, and you owe it to yourself. 

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