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Posts posted by Vulcan

  1. Cucoo, I think that fit currently looks great if you're going for a classic fit with just a t-shirt. For me, I need full mobility of my arms. If I can't hug myself, it's too small. My real concern is that if it shrinks at all it's going to be too small. Keep us posted!


    edit: to reaffirm the classic fit check out how Steve McQueen wore the 101. Very similar fit to yours. Also, chest hair.


  2. Just got my first pair of Flat Head Balders!  I am a big denim lover and am lucky to be able to fit into men's as well as women's, eventhough I am female, but am sick of all my jeans being dude jeans.  Soooooo.....I got the Balders from Self Edge yesterday.  I have been really apprehensive soaking these, so I took the night to sleep on it.  Kiya at SE said they fit well (i sent him pics) and now I just started soaking them in super hot water, with a little vinegar in it to preserve the color.  It's 1:30pm now, I am thinking I will take them out at 2:30, line dry them and then wear them around tonight and tomorrow and the next day.  What do all of you think so far?  The pics are before soak and during soak.  



    uh, oh.  how do i add pics on here?



    sounds good! to add pics you have to (how I do it) post them on another site like flickr or photobucket and then copy the url into the image button in the reply menu.

  3. Here's from Cold Summer on Regular sizes:


    In case y'all didn't know, last year FH started offering a new fit in many shirts called the Regular Size. These are supposed to be roomier in the chest and shoulders for each size and might be a good choice for guys who prefer proportions similar to IH shirts.


    I wouldn't assume anything with these shirts being as expensive as they are. Make sure to verify the model you're ordering and to check sizing before you buy. Just my 2 pennies.

  4. Harold, I believe the IH super black fades to grey fabric is extremely prone to streaking during the spin cylce. This will make weird fades marks that aren't desirable. My .02? If you don't have access to a machine, why not hand wash them?


    btw, post some pics!!

  5. Yeah, the vintage style was to have a long tail so you could tuck it in better. I think that looks good on you man. But I know what you're saying, I like a shorter shirt so I can wear it under a jacket without it hanging out the bottom. I could see altering the length if it really bothered you but I wouldn't mess with the fit, the baggier fit is just that classic style!

  6. I was recently shopping for a new flannel shirt and had the damndest time looking through all the Brand topic pages to see what each brand had to offer. So I thought a dedicated flannel topic could be a good idea. A place to share your fuzzy friends whether they be vintage thrift store gems or high-end Japanese workwear. Bring on your buffalo check, plaid and herringbones! 

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