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Posts posted by Kaf

  1. @noramimi i always want to infantalize littlest too, but then i remember he is doing much better for himself than I was when i was in high school and he could be destined for greatness, username to appearance ratio is uncanny though

  2. Ok, either message me or talk here, i don't get whats up

    enjoying the art form as intended by the artist, whats to disagree?

    It's like using soap as face wash,

    its harsh and leaves something to be desired


    it was made to be used a different way and it won't be as it should be,

    Difference between easily making your own undercover ethnic rider and having the real thing

    it's not the way its supposed to be its a copy/distortion/adulterated version


    this statement is in direct conflict with one of your many previous statements that happen to be right after another. it just sounds hypocritical. referring to your argument that you wear clothes how you like, not how they might have been intended to. this thread was better when it was still WAYWT not "what does sundance have to say today"

  3. does no one else think the desert storm logos are corny? maybe not a big deal if you not american. like, what if Vet asks you and you have to explain to them what wtaps is...


    edit: good look deux, havent been in thread for a minute.

  4. Finally back on my feet after a rough damn year. Got top 3 of my class for ib english oral exams (despite not reading 80% of the material) gotta bae and finally broke thru my fog and realized I have a super high chance of getting into most colleges and most likely gonna end up being the first in my family to do it

    wait, you HS and.....wow. respect.

  5. feels like borrowed parts from old collections to make a whole. i have a similar sentiment about the collection, really like parts of it. varsity seemed odd at first glance. feeling a lot of earmuff maniac vibes mixed with colors.

  6. thanks fycus, ended up getting the indigo. after fees it was around 470 usd. will throw up some pictures if no one does before/if anyone is interested when i receive.

  7. thoughts on kerchief dot tunic from those whove seen it in person? worth being what seems to be staple top of the season. (like 1/5 of the lookbook along with lugli haha)

  8. thats kinda the plan, if you read up on the ceo it will make sense


    if they dont fix the shipping dilemma then they fucked, bottom line. would not invest despite marissa being a total fox

  9. im a literature major. i also go to US military academy, so besides the irony, its kinda useless for career. i dont know what i will do when i get out of army, probably use connections to land cool managerial position where i kick my feet up or some shit. naive or whatever, but owell. maybe law school on army's dime. id like to party at some point.

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