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Posts posted by Kaf

  1. Yesterday I wore the Undercover SS15 wide brimmed hat around school (could be seen as a mistake looking back) besides the strangers reactions to my clothes which I'll save for another thread, i couldnt help but think of...



    but then it hit me that that makes me the bad guy who dies, and them batman. :o  fuck.


    edit: more musings. rafsemens negs literally everything i post if he can find it. did you wanna be my Valentine? I should have seen the signs!

  2. Hood by air, off white


    was talking with someone who worked with hood by air when designer was coming up. i know nothing of the brand, but she was saying how the t-shirts and logo shit is just to make money for the artistic high fashion stuff the brand actually cares about. i havent looked into it, but i wonder. hba could in fact be the most underrated brand. i feel like if that is the case, did well with hypebeast crowd picking something up and brand taking advantage. w/e.

  3. i saw youtube comment that said something about gundam not gundam. is this some funny internet joke popular on anime forums or something? i feel dumb. i came to sufu for clothes, mainly, and feel like im leaving with culture that i didnt sign up for.

  4. dH9n9mJ.png


    see my post in djrajio thread about how shitty and stupid this crap was. probably was straight to dvd as it was 2014 release and hadnt heard of till scrolling through movies.


    i like grace mortez enough, and i find knightly typically charming, but this is the type of shit i can't handle.


    regardless of what she said about how much she likes you/not wanting to get back together with ex, shes probably full of it. people are insecure, its a defense mechanism so you dont hate he cause she "cares about you" people only really care about themselves and then family on superficial level. there have been too many movies where girl says, i dont care about the past and all the shit i said, i need to do whats best for me. being a flake is glorified.



    ok, my point is proven.


    watch Laggies with Kiera Knightly or whoever that woman from pirates of the Caribbean is. shit is exactly what i'm talking about.


    edit: west quoted, but deleted on behalf of networth's request.

  6. ^ im not sure if I agree or disagree with you, but one of my professors and class/I were talking about hashtags today. hashtag used to mean 'number' and now it means 'witty,reference,in-crew,needy,superficial-bullshit, etc' the hashtag phenomena could have been any stupid thing and I dont think its a new thing. Social media has just evolved/retarded (depends how you look at it) behavior. For example, '#obama2012' replaced wearing an obama/biden pin. you reach more people and you show your relatedness while promoting beliefs. same concept. i think there is an interesting article on this topic to be written.

  7. Playing the " I don't care about the points" card. Nice...

    You know you care, don't even try to play.


    if you care, and are afraid of the little red box, that means you are letting randoms on the internet censor and control what you decide to post. i mean hell, charts(^) must be your hero, homie obviously gives no fucks about the red. doesnt even ask for advice on what to do better after he gets negged to hell. a real maverick that one.

  8. you should have started with the hyper specific example of your uni's meal plan that gives points and all that crazy hippie dippie stuff. for most people, that sounds like fantasy land.


    for example, my mess hall feeds 4400 people all at once. there is 1 small salad bar with beans/eggs/salad/nuts. the rest is processed food. they feed us breakfast at less than $1 per head and lunch for under 3. we aren't allowed refrigerators and only seniors are allowed vehicles to even go to a supermarket, the closest that could make your mango pudding from rawon10 being 30 minutes away.  we can order from 3 pizza joints, 1 chinese restaurant that doesnt understand "no msg" (even when told in chinese), one sandwich shop, and 2 mexican joints. the other option is Grant Hall, which sells for ridiculous prices. i try to eat healthy and a 2 serving size bag of dried mangoes (eat in 1 sitting) costs $4.05. as you can see, our experiences are radically different and they both don't mean shit as far as the original observation goes.


    i can see where you are coming from in your situation I guess...


    but you are freshman right? i would caution your kind of attitude. its easy to be labeled as the "whole food tote carrying motherfucker in the sandles" by the plebeians around you.


    not that you should care what I think, i dont even have 1 knit rider to my name, but when other people eating "processed garbage" is "shit you hate" it becomes shit I hate


    (all in good fun, jealous of your food selection...and maybe the rider too)

  9. Also people who eat processed garbage. I don't know why that bothers me so much, but it's fucking gross. 


    a big part of this is economical. processed foods are much cheaper, more convenient. if you are working 2 jobs and dont have time to make dinner and buy healthy organic stuff while maintaining the same caloric intake, processed garbage is, unfortunately for both you and them, the only option. i'm not saying this is always the case, im sure a lot of people choose to eat the garbage you're talking about because it tastes good, but for some its all that is possible. teens and their uism knit sleeve riders saying funniest stuff these days.

  10. ^ to put perspective. homie is just saying that, hey its ok to be idealistic "have some self respect etc," but love is hard and being logical is fine and good, but at the end of the day whatever is gonna make him happy is ok and it doesnt have to be logical.


    usually we act illogically in regards to relationships. i know i do, i look back and think "wtf is wrong with past-self that made him-me do that shit" done some stupid shit tbh.

  11. I guess you guys are right in a way, even do you of course cant know all the  shit said and felt. I think she really likes me (for several reasons), but apparently not enough to be able to commit to something. I pushed her pretty hard previously if she wants to get together with her ex again, which she really denied (and sounded sincere about), but in another way I guess it could be expected.  Really wish I could just shrug it off and not hope for her to comeback , but fuck how do you do that when you really like/love someone?

    a girl i was dating said a lot of similar stuff. i was cool with it for awhile (like 30 hours) and being on a break was whatever, but then my irl friends told me to have some self respect. broke up with her after a fight about the break (was mutual). not even 2 weeks later she was dating another dude that had been hanging around.


    regardless of what she said about how much she likes you/not wanting to get back together with ex, shes probably full of it. people are insecure, its a defense mechanism so you dont hate he cause she "cares about you" people only really care about themselves and then family on superficial level. there have been too many movies where girl says, i dont care about the past and all the shit i said, i need to do whats best for me. being a flake is glorified.


    i wouldn't let this bother you, being upset about a girl is the worst, but is easily remedied by going out and actively trying to meet new people. i found that most people are the same (there too many people for the whole snowflake thing to be true) and at a certain point looks dont really matter. youll be good dude.

  12. I honestly didn't know that West Point offered Lit; always thought of it as military officer/politico training grounds.  I was coming off pretty douchey so I appreciate the serious response. 

    yeah, we actually really center our academics on engineering, i think our program is around top 10... politics and soft sciences are second most popular and then the really soft stuff like lit, management, and leadership are kinda the forgotten majors. WP does all of its military training in the summer and then school year is just a really strict school with uniforms etc. and required physical (survival swimming, gymnastics, boxing, combatives) and military knowledge classes. our core curriculum probably has the most required classes anywhere. didnt even start my major till Junior year and still have more core classes to take.

    no worries, its the internet.

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