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Posts posted by Kaf

  1. mainly a question for the females:

    buying dress for sister, she is about 5 ft 7 in tall, has an athletic build, and usually wears a 6 in US sizing. im trying to buy her a Rick Owens dress, kinda like, hey be cool and older as you go to college kinda thing, and was wondering about sizing. run small? run thin? would a 40 (=6 i guess) be good? or 42... hard shopping for girls as far as sizing.


    this is planned purchase if that helps.

    thanks a lot for any advice


    Your buddy sounds like a fucking moron. Pretty basic gun control shit, especially for someone who willingly enlisted


    i dont know if you shoot a lot, but you'd be surprised about the stupid shit that happens. a friend of mine got recycled through ranger school due to a ND, wasnt his fault, but weird shit just happens. he was a LT, in for 4 years too.

    a little bit of a moron, agreed, he just lazy. not really enlisted though, its a college, he here to play tennis and be good at school, does military training in summers and we officers on graduation.

  3. my buddy from back home came to the Academy and is going through his basic training, which ill start training in a couple of days. (broken up into 2 details each 3 weeks long, first detail is all garrison, issue points, familiarization with the military, basic soldier skills and 2nd detail is a lot of field training and infantry shit)

    i havent seen him yet, we do 2 weeks of train up in preparation to train the New Cadets and was hoping to run into him but didnt have any luck. So i asked around.

    Apparently he is the talk of the town for a Negligent Discharge. on a rifle range when the range was cold, he fired off a round about 45 degrees from straight down range. whole range shut down, people in charge of him got fucked. he oblivious new cadet and didnt know better, but was a huge deal.

    makes me nervous to do live fires with these kids, people be shooting over my shoulder and shit. NDing left and right....fuck

  4. government travel.


    this bullshit.


    they make you return to the duty station you depart from, you cant simply put in the air port that you would like to return to after training/work is over. you can only change it after you make reservations. they make you buy the cheapest option when you originally buy your tickets to and from training sites. government pays for so thats fine, but if you want to change you have to pay the "difference" in tickets.


    a ticket will be 250 to return when you book, cheapest like i said (one way too, not even cheap, the hell) but the "lowest" price on return flights when looking to change are 700-800, mind this is just a one way ticket. today i was told that my only option if i didnt want to fly to new york, stay the night, and then buy a ticket to go to atlanta and then back to new york was to pay 600 to change my flights. obviously i repeated what travel agent said in "snarky, ungrateful tone" and she has the nerve to get all sassy. like the fuck. bunch of crooks. i called united air lines and explained the situation and they changed my flight for 160. the fuck. took 10 minutes and no sass. it still cost me 160 cause government refuses to let you just change return flight, as if its hard or makes any difference. i hate pulling military card cause i dont do shit really, just go to school working to be an officer or whatever, but i know they do this to other people too. its stupid.

  5. what wahwho says is true and you might need a couple guns.


    big problem in middle east with terrorist is the opiates. if they were drugged up, there would be times where they could get shot 10 times and just keep going like nothing happened until body had no blood for organs to function. body doesnt feel pain or go into shock if on that level of drugs. kinda scary. at least thats what ive heard from instructors at school and what not.


    "Last year, I found myself in extreme physical and emotional pain. My back was killing me from lugging around my huge handbag everywhere. Not to mention, I was hitting the concert scene pretty hard and I was tired of bumping people with my bag as I squeezed myself to the front row."


    pretty much sums it up. favorite part: "extreme physical and emotional pain"



    Playing Arcade Fire or MGMT records is one thing, but ruining BYG Actuel records on a fucking Crosley?

    This made me so fucking mad


    is it ok if i play my bon iver record on my crosley? what about my parent's doors record from long ago? teach me right and wrong, i so new to all this.

  8. that means you'd got to look at other flags that hes used. see if they right side up, etc. im not sure on all the political states of the nations he been using lately, but to say that they "better off" or in less distress than US seems a little ridiculous. if they are upside down, i dont think its really compareable to US either. US can have problems, but rich people still rich people and poorest people have it a lot better than many regions of the world. that being said, the spirituality and paying homage to culture is certainly falling away to the material which seems to be ever more of greater importance in our society. i could accept it was commentary on that aspect, but then i wouldn't have an answer to some of the other flags he used. i feel like if he was going this route, talking about issues with other countries, he could make a shirt for every nation in the world, seems kinda crazy to single a few out. again, i dont know whats going on or if there are other aspects that tie the countries he been using to the US. also, he been suing primarily US flag lately, especially for the ICT stuff. i think it just sells much better and more to do aesthetically with US flag than a few stripes or triangles. stars been large theme last few seasons. that and i feel a lot of Japanese brands been putting out US flag themed gear.....being US dude i couldn't wear any of that though so this is first time i put much thought into, interesting for sure. sorry for length.

  9. im a cadet at USMA, so technically im military, will be officer. my brother is a week out from being pinned and being officer, and i noticed this too. i don't think it is either of those things though. i think it comes down to other nations not valuing the importance of symbols other cultures might really cherish. for example, there are plenty of stories of US troops taking flags, even burning out of hatred, albeit much more rare. maybe justified, like after IED attack or whatever, losing someone, but obviously that does no good for relations and makes US look bad. but thats just kinda it, sometimes other cultures dont care about importance of 13 stripes, however many stars, its never been a big deal to them. HN might have just thought that it looked better aesthetically that way. i would have to agree with him honestly. for whatever reason, if it were to end with the stripes it would look odd to me, i dunno.


    tl;dr all cultures are insensitive to a certain extent, HN as world traveler appreciate all things in life type of dude prolly not malicious political statement kind of dude. too heavy for vis it seems.

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