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Posts posted by CHINESEGOLD

  1. When we make purees at work we use a vitamix and it works fine, especially since the vegetables are usually warm as is.


    what I've heard/experience that if a vitamix runs for 3+ mins it heats up the contents of the container.


    I just bought the Relae cookbook and the vast majority of the time when it requires something to blended it calls for a Thermomix, was just wondering if someone can confirm that either one works since it takes very little time to puree something smooth anyways. I know the thermomix doesn't heat up when blending since I've ran it for like 8 minutes straight before

  2. Anyone have any idea on how to make a green tea reduction/sauce for duck?


    I had it at Atera. The menu just list the dish as "Duck, Green Tea, Cucurbita Morschata"


    A cook at work suggested making a mother sauce like a veloute or bechamel, steeping green tea in it, blitzing it with a little bit of parsley for color then pushing it through a sieve.


    From what I remember of the sauce though, it was fairly liquid and the texture didn't really suggest the usage of flour or cream.



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