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Posts posted by CHINESEGOLD

  1. This is more of a euro general question but whatever


    I'm going to europe for a month, mainly paris but we're gonna spend a couple weeks winging it through Germany and Netherlands by bus


    for a lot of the trip we'll have places to stay but other times we'll hostel (maybe 2 weeks worth of hostelling)


    Should 4200 Euro be comfortable enough to accommodate the limiting hostelling, food and the couple bus tickets we'll buy as well as whatever tickets we need for museums and drinking


    we're planning on quasi bumming it i.e we're not dropping money on clothing and souvenirs really, just food, drinking and sightseeing

  2. I wonder if Vardy is gonna be a one season wonder. Leicester's defense is genuinely pretty good (physical). Mahrez is only 24, from watching the games I think he's just a player that was slept on (I think Marseille or Lyon turned down a deal with him earlier?) and actually has a future 

  3. Can anyone help me out with booking flights and not getting fucked?


    I've gone on solo trips a few times (I'm 20 so without help from parents)


    but they were always only one or two flights (Taipei roundtrip, Vancouver to NYC bus to Montreal then back home)


    I'm now planning on booking a trip from Vancouver to Shanghai, Shanghai to Europe (probably landing in Paris or Amsterdam), Europe to Montreal and Montreal to Vancouver


    ITA matrix comes up at 4k CAD cheapest. Kayak brings up a 1500 CAD flight (hacker fare) but I gotta book two flights from Travelocity and one from Flighthub and a 1600 ticket from EDreams (which sounds like shit from the reviews)


    Being a fairly long complicated trip I'm not really sure how to tackle this.

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