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Posts posted by acerbicb

  1. ^very. and if your sleep habits are out of whack because of a lack of discipline, probably lots of other things.

    stopped lifting like four years ago and so it goes I'm emaciated. Feels weird to come back and have to lift the bar, practice form, etc. Time for...


    anyone else starting up after hiatus?

  2. Analyzing existence is something, but the existence of existence isn't worth questioning-- that's something that kept philosophy in a ditch up until Nietzsche broke it down. Thousands of years.

    The nature of observation is pretty straight forward, isn't it? You observe, you retain.

    Consciousness however-- that is, what has spurred you to observe and retain what you did retain-- is relevant in practice. Understanding the manner in which we perceive and how we connect is imperative to understanding what stunts us and what propels us. Furthermore, it's more important to analyze HOW something is being perceived (the literal function) and WHY than to quandary yourself with what it is exactly that you're perceiving. After all, as the old philosophers found, there is no manner in which we can debate existence nor reality actually, only at the furthest end of hypothetical where arguments argue themselves rather than a resolution.

    We're probably in agreement over most of these things and I'm just caught up in semantics.

    My main point is that I'm interested in finding the human 'soul', or its 'consciousness', by analyzing humanity itself. Maybe enough data about the way we think and have thought can prove or disprove the infinite consciousness-- wouldn't that be beautiful? An everlife. The purest thought, both existent and non-existent, which lingers above time and space.

  3. I have seen that 10 times. Who sarted this YSL thing on that picture?.

    On the left it is indeed Salvador Dali.

    & on the right is young François-Marie Banier. Not Yves-Saint Laurent.


    François-Marie Banier and Yves-Saint Laurent

  4. Modern physics is basically subsumimg these types of discussions IMO, the influence of a conscious observer in changing probabalistic outcomes seems to be part and parcel of perceived realities, leading to chicken and egg type scenarios. Does the universe exist without consciousness? Or is it that the perceptible universe only exists within/due to consciousness?

    Personally I think there's something to the unconscious collective idea, where individual consciousness is a single manifestation of some strange energy/consciousness. Similar to the ideas found in string theory where all particles are one "end" of a string, while the rest in imperceptible but still influencing the string as a whole.

    Well, that's also ancient physics. I'm not necessarily concerned with the ability to perceive the universe, or whether or not things exist if they aren't in our perception. I'm more concerned with the manner which consciousness interacts with its environment, and at what level it does so relative to dimensions of its own, of the universe, or none at all.

    Yeah, the collective consciousness used to seem completely ridiculous to me. But the more I think about consciousness, the more it seems logical that it would exist on a plane/frequency of its own. Now there just has to be a way to access it from a third party view-- that would be a nobel idea, yeah?

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