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Posts posted by reallypeacedoff

  1. 17 hours ago, kiya said:

    Actually, they're both in business together still but in the restaurant/wine bar industry...

    This is perfect timing. Heading back to Oz for a couple of weeks and putting this on the list since it's close to my hometown.

    Do they want to sell the business (Imperial) at all?

  2. 8 hours ago, Lalafufu said:

    Natural as in both the weft and warp will be dyed with natural indigo?

    so a bluexblue jean

    I'd imagine it means a natural color for the weft, like ecru, which is the natural hue of cotton. Off white. A lighter shade of beige. That sort of thing...

  3. On 10/10/2022 at 8:10 AM, kiya said:

    We're aiming for a spring 2023 release and there'll be two fits. The slim one will go up to 36 and the straight leg classic fit one will go up to 38.

    Hoping the slim one is like a shearer cut. 

    Glad we have two options, though; been loving the more roomy fits nowadays.

  4. Just a Nudie Jeans Co belt, nothing crazy but for the price, well made...A good couple of years of everyday wear. Have a black version now so it rotates.



  5. I have had this awesome APC Veste jacket for a fair few years (2018). It's a slow burn—worn a couple of times a month, on average—but getting there...the picture doesn't really do it justice, especially the arms.



  6. On 9/17/2022 at 10:40 AM, Sympathy-For-The-Denim said:

    still I really appreciate the denim used for their jeans, if only the would make some looser ones, A.P.C seem to stuck in the late 00s.

    anyone knows what mill the denim is from and if there are other denim brands using the same denim, offering more generous fits? 

    I remember reading about it actually. The dude from APC was in Japan and came across this old guy making some denim. He basically bought the guy out to only make the denim for APC. He has never revealed who is the weaver. So you will not find this denim on any other brands.

  7. Picked up my BSPs that have been sitting in SELA's window for the last 3 years (I think, man time flies). Though it was a good opportunity for some more pictures. Love how one of the buttons was coming out of its pressing a bit. I also love how the arcuate on the left pocket has actually gone, thread-wise, but the remnants of color are still there. originally I did start writing down Soaks and Washes but after a while, I was doing so many, didn't really matter. The chain stitching is "bloating" out of the waistband too.










  8. Unfortunately, after my moto yesterday, I realized I have caught the crotch coming apart just in time (thank god). Annoyingly I was at SELA yesterday so I could have dropped them off (and bought a new pair of Samurais in the process). But need my wallet to remain heavy at the moment.


    This denim is so awesome though, and I particularly love the pocket bags too. These are freshly washed in anticipation of taking them to SELA so they are still damp. Definitely a lot lighter and more green too.




  9. Made a trip to SELA and purchased the IHSH-323-OD (pictures to come) and am in love. It's bluer than I thought and I like it more for it. Coincidently saw my SE05BSPs at the top of the repairs pile, realizing that the BSPs on display were no longer mine. They are almost a spitting image of each other, did a double take. Whose are those K?

    Thought I would take some more pictures (posting more in The Flat Head thread) since they look so good and I hope that Flat Head brings them back one of these days.



    Also, I have a nice pair of SExI14IND if you ever want to showcase them at one of the shops.



    Also, I think I helped convince a customer to finally land on a size for a pair of Sugar Canes. I hope he bought the larger size.

  10. On 6/17/2021 at 3:18 AM, beautiful_FrEaK said:

    I wouldn't say they are underrated. They just rise and fall in favour like most of the other brands. The Full Count thread was very active but is now nearly dead...doesn't mean the brand is worse (although we could debate about them became worse with the latest changes)

    Sorry, didn't mean popularity, more just the uniqueness of denim for what I would consider a pretty good value price point. These EDOs remind me of the $600+ hank dyed jeans of a few years ago.

  11. 15 hours ago, kiya said:

    What a find!  Can't believe those are from 13 years ago.. I still love that Toyo "Sun Stripe" fabric we used for the pocket bags and the super narrow busted outseam.

    My first thought was "What a find!" too.

    My first time in the SESF store was when these dropped, didn't have my size at the time.

    How's a 34 measure?

  12. So I got some shrinkage out with the initial soak but decided to wash some other raws that needed a clean and threw in the Roys too. Hot wash. Line dried.

    Put them on today for the first time, this is 2 minutes in. Unsure whether I will leave cuffed but will wait for them to settle in a months time. Measurements below that. Definitely got some shrinkage out of them.


    Meas. = SE / Actual / Post Soak
    W = 34.5 / 34.5 / 33.0
    FR = 12.25 / 12.25 / 11.5
    BR = 16.5 / 16.5 / 15.75
    T = 12.9 / 12.8 / 12.25
    K = 9.25 / 9.25 / 8.75
    LO = 8.3 / 8.25 / 8.0
    I = 38.5 38.5 / 35.0

    Size 33 for reference.

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