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Posts posted by philosophiliac

  1. your rents sound like miserable people :/ even if they're trying to help out by warning you off stressing the small stuff or something they're being dicks about it

    on another note - got a business opportunity coming up. it'll start out as occasional hours, chump change and may never amount to anything more than some cash moneyz in pocket on occasion. if it goes somewhere... i'll probably be able to make a decent middle class living on it. but it's my idea and i'm excited about it.

  2. I sometimes wish we could have moderated, rational discussion about current events, politics, policy, etc on here. It's fun sometimes to discuss some heavier topics with people, it's how I refine my position on things and become more educated. But I understand it would inevitably be derailed into a rabbit hole of racism, homophobia, ignorance and whatever else anonymous people tend to bring to the table.

    dude i feel if you ignored the few woogies and co in here you could have a pretty decent discussion.

  3. @champs ASP as in the handgun or the extending baton? either way, that's fucked up. as appleseed said go to the landlord and if nothing else works then document and just walk out. if it's gotten to the point that you've had to put a lock on your door and keep a weapon under your pillow then the law isn't going to fuck you over. your crackhead ex room-mates, however...?

  4. unfortunately it's that time of swap again - we've had flakers and now we're going to send out care packages to the couple of guys that missed out. the swapmods are all helping out but we're asking for two-four volunteers to throw in a couple bits and pieces to pad out the packages.

    you don't have to have participated in the swap to help out, (not expecting anyone who already sent a package having to go further than that) and to be clear we're not asking for a complete package from you. if you've got a bunch of stuff that's suitable, then that's great, but two or three cool things from each person is really all we need. at this stage we're anticipating cool things will be sent to one location (almost certainly in the CONUS) to be put together and then sent on from there. the timeframe on this is pretty short so you should only volunteer if you can definitely get something out before december.

    whodown? #superchristmascarepackages

  5. yeah they're obscene. I have very little experience on bikes with that kind of power to weight ratio so it seemed even more mental to me than it would have to someone with experience on litre bikes or similar.

    i don't think i'd ever actually own one but it was fun to hit the freeway and suddenly be doing a billion kilometres an hour.

    and the noise. dear god the noiseurghleoejrnaf

  6. yo what do you guys do to keep your fingers from tearing up? started multipitching some long crack climbs and keep tearing callouses off. never had this happen before. tried finger tape before, tried moisturiser to keep the skin from drying out too much - neither is solving the problem but they help... is there anything else you guys suggest?

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