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Posts posted by philosophiliac

  1. i use it when i text my girlfriend


    I also use it when I text your girlfriend.


    I'll draw up the documents to obtain a 33% share in =] (and a 50% share in your girlfriend?)






  2. hahahahha she is fucking dumb if that, to her, is a 'new theory' because holy shit


    tell me about it. she was so proud of it too. it would have been kinda funny if we weren't trying to watch the goddamn show at the time

  3. people that blow shit way out of proportion AND fuck people that feel the need to discuss theories or analyse movies and tv shows while you're watching them.


    just watched new breaking bad with some friends and this one girl was going on constantly about her new theory that jesse "has a good heart" and walt is "the real monster" until finally someone told her to shut the fuck up. they got into a screaming match and now they're not talking. over a tv show.


    I mean seriously jesus fucking christ. we didn't even finish the episode.

  4. also, raj and other corporate ballers: what is your opinion on trying to get a direct line around HR to someone within a company? Obviously networking is valuable, using that to meet well-placed people who can help you out, but I'm talking about cold-calling/pitching to someone who is not HR (say department head or similar) to find work. Better if you have inside info/intuition on a role they might want to fill etc, but even without that - is it possible at a higher corporate level?


    I only ask because I got both my jobs (not including casual work/self employment through uni etc) that way, but they're both with smaller companies - haven't tried it with mid-tier company, or even the top end. Whatchu think?

  5. dovo confession

    move on dude
    you can do better than $15 with a degree


    it's one thing to be working low paying jobs to try and build industry contacts/experience/cred but yeah, don't let dickhead bosses push you around. the market might be shitty atm but at least see what else is out there


    remember the rules of the dovo dating threak. confidence and dgaf (toned down from picking-up-girls-level to job-interview-level) and you'll land something better.

    hit up contacts

    cold call companies

    use better offer to start bidding war for you - see if you're really in demand at your job or if they're just feeding you bullshit



  6. ^^ no I'm the same man, a couple days ago I got a notification saying that "The Act of Killing has been deleted". folder's empty for me right now.


    I have the Act of Killing on my comp though so I can reload it to the folder if people want - inevitably I don't get around to watching until the next one has been put up (only watched Jagten a week and a bit ago) so I've made a habit of copying each movie so I don't miss out :P

  7. I'm fairly keen to watch all three of those movies - any chance we could throw up war witch and/or/then a hijacking after this one?


    still haven't had a chance to watch the hunt but I copied it out of the dropbox so I'll get to it this weekend hopefully

  8. yeah I came to it pretty late in the game but it didn't do anything for me. I was psyched on the trailer too


    late edit:  oh wait, I get syrup now. the marketing for it was pretty dope, but the actual content is just overblown, pompous average movie fare. It's an analogy for the themes with which it's dealing.


    genius (10)

  9. toj is about as sufu approved as it's possible to get


    edit: but if you were just after something basic then eastpak does some similarish designs. can't comment as to quality etc though

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