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Posts posted by Farhad

  1. Eltopo- props

    Jimmy C-deck jacket looks awesome on you. I need that!!!

    Roy6- how dare you post nudie pics of women!!! shameful, really!!!

    Kiya-get outta town!!!

    As far as the new collection is concerned, it will be S&M based for sure. the staple item will be a barbed wire G string!!! ;):D

  2. that's funny. Brian I take it your back. we need to grab beers this week.

    I can't wait to see the new stuff. I heard it was totally different than his previous stuff.

    Kiya thanks a lot for the tease bro.

  3. Were all products of a culture that wants instant gratification, so maybe the denim companies are giving people what they want?!!!

    fast results!!!

    Having said that, I still think this denim is incredible.

    If you want some dark A$$ denim, there's always strike gold, and thanks to Kiya, that just might be my next pair ;)

  4. Man what did I miss while I was away?!!!

    This is indeed a great thread and one of my favorites on SUFU.

    Beatle, Z, Paul, tg, markus great stuff.

    Farmer, cute pup.

    Did I forget anyone?!!!

    beatle, Giles is just awesome. I'm bummed I didn't get to hang with him more while he was here do to our conflict of schedule. He really is a tip top kinda fella.

    All I have are crappy iPhone pics

    So I walk in to Pizza port on a friday afternoon and they're brewing a double ipa in there. It smelled like hop soup. For those of you that don't know about Pizza Port, they have amazing beers and have won many awards (as in best small brewery in the US)


    Hops were just harvested so there was a sick line up of ipa's on tap as well. I was in heaven:D


    One of the brewers was throwing in the hops into the mash, and I was cheering him on and telling him to kick it up a notch and add more lol


    Unfortunately, I was forced to drink during the day


    And get a to go order for later


    Afterwords went for a chicken shish kabob at one of my favorite spots


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