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Posts posted by Farhad

  1. thanks for the help guys. you're all awesome.

    problemo is that I tried on the 32 in the straight leg (RS01) and they fit nicely.

    so getting 33 post shrinkage might be too big. I'm measuring in between 33.5 to 34.

    gut instinct tells me to get 32 but you guys are all saying 33. I don't wanna make a big deal about this. I just would hate for these not to fit as I'm super uber duper excited about getting them

  2. Annabelle- when the time comes we will call upon you ;)

    Z-wish you were in both as well. BTW I'm really loving the Eternals. yours are coming along well. I was tempted to soak mine again but decided to get as dirty as possible before washing again.

    We so should hook up. let me know if you wanna come to cali. you're always welcome.

  3. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeexatcly Roy6.

    will certainly be better than if rnr wins and we see fit pics of him wearing them on his head!!!

    Speaking of, planning a january meet up for this contest. as there's 4 of us in socal (dkatz a socal native will be back) I thought so cal will be a good location :)

    zizzou might be able to make it and there's a chance that eltopo will be in town as well.

    Roy6 would you drive down? anyone else interested in coming?

  4. farhad, you're on man! i'll take you on in the ROY and eternal contest and i have got a prize for you up my sleeve if you beat me to this. you will absolutely love it. not a smoke though and i doubt you can send me one through the post! judges needed in on this!

    Sweet, it's on. so are you saying that we just send the other person something of our choice? also the winner is the person with the best combo right?

  5. I for one think that Roy is gonna have a surprise up his sleeve. I remember from reading the Roy thread before that he went above and beyond. I'm sure he's gonna do a great job with details.

    I do secretly wish and hope that our names will be embroidered on the inside pockets somewhere, but wether that takes place or not I will be equally happy.

  6. Man it's 5ish am and I woke up and can't fall back asleep. Started reading this thread.

    I like the new belt idea. I was thinking of a tender belt perhaps!!!

    dkatz-denim fades faster in 3rd world countries!!! That's it, I'm moving!!!

    Oh and Phat cuffs you say?!!! I will win in that department :D


  7. my waist measured the same, but that's impossible!!! ;)

    I got a 32 in the eternals. I think I'll get a 32 after shrinkage. I can't imagine ordering bigger unless the sizing is way off!!! was tempted to get 31 after shrinkage but that might be too tight.

    I'd rather a little bigger than smaller cuz I can shrink them or get them taken in.

  8. I haven't ordered yet. to be honest it's making me a little nervous. I want these to fit well and I don't wanna bug Roy.

    Edit: just measured and it says I'm a 33 but I always either get 31 or 32 WTF M8!!!

    I know 33 after shrinkage will be too big.

    I bought 32 in eternals and fits perfect.


  9. i am hoping for a sm inspired leathercollection.

    all the stuff out there is so unstylish.

    Stop stealing my ideas and acting like they are original or i will have my legal team contact you asap. this is just ridiculous mrakus!!! :mad: just look at the previous page and you will know what I'm talking about :D


  10. tg, don't feel bad. I was born in Iran and people ask if I'm Arab, speak Arabic, and lived in the desert!!! It's the same as calling japanese person Korean! LOL

    Fre$co- you wont find that reason in almostnice. well it will be a reason, but it won't be a legitimate one ;)

    dkatz- we can put a tracking device on all of us. kind of like house arrest but with denim. The question is, what would be our curfew :confused:

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