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Posts posted by BRICK DOM

  1. I live in Quebec (18). Hey Pavlov!! You dating someone??

    Oh I am! Yeah I took the bitch to a five star vegetarian restaurant and she loved that shit. We've been going out for 2 weeks now (since that date) and it's by far the most promising relationship I've had so far.

    Please explain to me how I failed.

    I just re-read your post and I don't often go out on dates since I can actually read people properly and so far, I've had a long term relationship with every girl I've gone on a date with except for one. The date went great but the girl ended up being a huge stoner and that was a big no-no for me.

    bro, no hate, but you sounding kinda dumb in this post. Bolded parts esp. Also, IIRC Pavlov is married?

    As for the whole dating thing, I agree with what pavlov said, drinks or something small is the way to go. That way if shit is going sour you can just tell her you're meeting up with other people after/ you're not obligated to stick around with her. If things are going good, you can segue into dinner or something else after drinks.

  2. Just ran for the first time in the morning (usually run after work) and I've gotten STUPID amounts of work done already in the first half hour at the office. If only I could get up early every day, I think I'd see a pretty huge improvement in some aspects of my life (energy, motivation, etc.)

  3. When people say "thanks for the invite" when you don't tell them about a hang out or an event. It's become exacerbated by FB's checking in thing. I hate the people that comment on other people's checking in and say "thanks for the invite".

    Oh no, wait, of course it clearly just completely slipped our minds to invite you.

  4. Do older asian women have eyebrows that naturally fall out? Or is it that they just pluck their eyebrows out so they can draw them in? Cuz I never understood the whole drawn eyebrows thing. Half figured it was a asian female only gene where your eyebrows fall out after a certain age . idk

    Also, why the fuck would you want drawn eyebrows any way? Shit's kinda weird.

  5. One of my goals this summer is to just write for fun. Keep in mind that I wrote this all the way through, stream of consciousness style. Kind of disjointed at times.


    I'd always inhale sharply when I first stepped into a cold environment. No matter how much I braced myself. A cold pool. A cold shower. I'd find myself reflexively gasping, taking in these very sharp, quick, needle-like intakes of breath. The shock of that frigid water permeating through the pores of my skin was something I could never get used to. Electric sparks would zip through my system, telling my lungs to take in that final breath of air before I became submerged. Before I went under the dense mat of water, to be pushed away from the light above. A twitch result of thousands of years of survival instincts bred and developed and hard-wired into the very core of what made a man.

    Everyday items used to evoke such a vague feeling of familiarity to me. Looking at pictures that weren't even mine. I'd feel such a forlorn sense of longing, like I was looking at something that I had been a part of ... that I had experienced. It was just my brain playing tricks on me. I felt perplexed. Had I experienced these moments? Were they truly some thing I had been a part of? I don't think I'll ever be certain.

    Mines was not the raging, seething, boiling mass of loneliness someone typically carries with them after years of being alone. It was quiet and bashful. When you looked at it, it would cast its eyes downward and stare at the threadbare wood paneling. Nevertheless, it latched onto me like a LEGO piece fitting snugly into another. We were made for one another. The only time my loneliness would ever take a break was in those special moments she'd be next to me. She always scared it away. Made it feel far too ashamed to even put its head down. Her radiant warmth would simply melt it into a puddle. When she and I walked down a street, no one else existed. She gave me this same feeling of being in cold water. Totally submerged in it. So much so that I couldn't even begin to take that sharp breath. I was already drowning.

    I loved it. It made me feel so different. It was such a jarring, dissonant reverse to the haphazard, stitched-together series of events that constituted my life. It was new, refreshing, exciting.

    On some days, she walked out of my life. There weren't any signs indicative of our impending collapse. No bickering, no hurtful words thrown like daggers, set to puncture the jugular. She simply decided that she no longer wanted to be a part of my life. Before long, she'd come back though. And again, I'd be immersed in liquid, drowning, drifting downward in an elliptical spiral, tendrils of hair flowing languidly in the suspension. Eyes wide open.

    One way or another she'd always find her way out of my life. And sooner or later she'd find her way back into it. Sure, she'd come back each time with a subtle change: she'd leave young and vivacious and come back older and wilting. Or she'd grow a couple inches taller or she'd get a little thicker in the waist. But she always found a way back. And that was the one constant in my life that I needed. I could not devote myself to anyone else but her. I hardly had the constitution to devote anything to myself. Having to care about someone outside of myself was insane. Suicidal even.

    What was more perplexing was why she would ever come to me in the first place. I had nothing to offer her. I had nothing to even offer myself. I just wanted a soft, pliant bed to sleep on and a hazy, soft space to live in. To exist in that one spot and occupy it and to tell the world to: "get the fuck off, this is my spot, and mine alone". Times were different before when I was younger. Back when she had straight black hair, brown eyes, and a soft, girlish voice. She'd give me a different feeling then. The air would begin to shimmer and pulse around us. I felt like I was in a soft, quiet whirlwind. A loving, kind, motherly whirlwind. I inhaled those sweet torrents of air by the mouthful.

    I'm a husk of whom I was. And yet, even after all these decades, here she is; red haired, green-eyed, with little tufts of hair poking out beneath her ponytail. And maybe tomorrow she'll have brown hair, gray eyes and a long nose. I don't know what they saw in me. I never did know what anyone ever saw in me or if there ever was anything in me in the first place.

    Sleeping in on a weekend was never the same as sleeping in on a week day. 11 AM on a Monday was another creature in comparison 11 AM on a Saturday. They were two entirely different entities. Worlds apart. There's nothing special about sleeping in on a Saturday. Nothing noteworthy. Nothing to write home about. But if I had ever been able to get the chance to wake up at 11 AM on a Monday, it would be magical. I'd feel refreshed. There'd be a spring in my step. It was just a different sort of thing.

    Sometimes, she'd come over, and I'd push myself right up against her body and we'd lay there, like a content lioness laying on her side after taking her fill of a gazelle. I'd lay there. She'd lay there. But there was something unsettling about it all to me: I had no idea what her eyes were seeing. We'd both be looking towards the same side of my blank white wall. But we'd both be seeing entirely different things. And so, even when sharing a bed with someone, I was still alone.

    Then one day, she didn't come back. Nor the day after. Weeks, months, years would flit away. And I would lay on my side alone on my bed, still looking at the very same wall I'd used to look at with her. I would see all sorts of things. Reels of the past flickering iridescently through my mind's eye. She was smiling demurely across the table from me, risotto alla milanese squarely set in front of her. She'd be at the park, now more carefree and outgoing, smiling for all she's worth. She'd be next to me in bed, her look would be so searching, so piercing, it made my chest smolder ever so slowly. I still didn't know. Were these even mine? Was she ever really there? It dawned upon me, that I had lain on my side all my life, staring at the wall opposite of me. Every morning I'd wake up and I'd be in that position. Had anyone really ever been there? Was she ever there? I knew the answer to this one.

    She wasn't. We never saw the same things when we looked out into the space beyond that wall in my bedroom. I never asked her outright, but I instinctively knew this answer. If only this were the million dollar question, I'd get it right. Boy, I'd knock it out of the ballpark. She was never in the same place as I was. She was somewhere else entirely. And at that moment,

    The water rushed into my lungs.

  6. acquaintances on FB who subtle brag with FB status about every fucking thing every goddamn day...uughh STFU, you have 700 friends and only 2-3ppl like your comments.

    worst is when they update about shit they do AT WORK.

    One of the many reasons I deactivated that shit.

    Hate it when people leave me hanging ... either through phone calls or IMs or PMs or emails or whatever. Especially frustrating when you're going back and forth with a buyer for days on B&S and right after you give em your paypal they vanish, and yeah, I know this happens on the reg but it's still frustrating nonetheless.

  7. lol, well I wouldn't say I'm exactly in the field. I'm probably more along the lines of what you were doing with your paid internship at the bank. All I basically do is open and close accounts (as I said, I wish I could branch out more and deal with other things, but since I'll be done with this by the time summer is over, it's not really worth their time in training me in other areas I suppose). But, I will say that I actually do enjoy the cubicle office type environment. I'd say it sure beats the hell out of the other sorts of options I have as a 19 year old (idk, only food-type or mall-related jobs come to mind as alternatives).

    This econ vs accounting argument is weighing kinda heavily on me. I have the option of going to UCDavis this fall to study economics, but I'm currently awaiting a decision from Boston University on whether I can get in as an accounting major (though even if I do get in, tuition may still prevent me from actually attending). Neither of these colleges are top tier so I've been feeling that it'll be tough for me to find a job ... but I'd rather not look that far ahead into the future. I've been thinking about just holding off transferring for another semester or a year and to try to get into somewhere with an accounting program. I really am not sure though.

    Also, in regards to the MBA, I remembered an accountant friend of my dad's telling me that pairing an MBA with an econ degree wouldn't help much. An MBA would be better suited to some other degree in a different field, like Engineering? Not too clear on that.

    Some very good advice posted so far though, will rep when I can.

  8. ^Really?

    Last two posts are giving me some hope then. Same as eggshell I had set out with an accounting major in mind but come next year it looks like I'm transferring as an Econ major (starting junior year in college). I had actually figured for the most part that accountants would have it better, and that in order to be truly successful as a Econ major I'd have to get an MBA, but hell, I don't really know much about these things to be honest. If anyone that knows more about this subject matter would like to shed more light I would definitely appreciate it.

    As for what I'm doing with my life now ...

    Working for a securities company (stocks, not protecting people) as an accounting intern actually. Or at least, that was my working title, but as of now, I'm just basically doing intern duties, which I'm totally fine with. Wish I could get more experience with either the operations side or the accounting side of my firm but they've been telling me that they just don't really have the time to show me the ropes (our accountant is about as new as me). I'm not sweating it though because I know that this will just be a temporary thing, but I would've like to have gotten my foot in the door.

  9. I'm a part of the can't keep $1k in my bank account club ! there's always something to cop concept.

    Also, came in here to say I have $12.67 to claim from Bing Cashback BUT I don't remember my password or even my username to log into that shit. Last day to claim is July 30 :(

    edit: just had a lunchables for lunch. Fucking elementary school nostalgia. Got the pizza one, but I'm always awful at evenly distributing the cheese and shit amongst the three pizzas so by the time I get to the last one it''ll either have like a cheese and sauce overload or I'll have nothing to put on it besides pepperonis.

  10. Obvious,

    but I hate that feeling you get when you have to say goodbye to someone you genuinely really like, and in the back of your head you know you're not gonna see them again.

    I always end up pulling some hopeful/lying bullshit and say something like "Maybe we'll bump into each other somewhere down the road"

    But I KNOW it won't happen, unless I'm on some serendipity tip.

  11. go back to superdenim.

    joined: jun 2007

    @imafuckingpeasant bitch.

    whatever join dates have to do with anything... oh wait prolly as much as rep is important to you superdenim retards

    you and cheapmfr love rep dont you? bff4l you and him? damn peasant.

    yo I thought dus who smoke weed all day were sposed to be all chill and shit? what happen man? no weedies for you today :(

  12. Decided to stay in today to get some work done.

    Ended up NOT DOING SHIT (5pm now). Eating a snickers right now while browsing the web/ watching shit like this:


    . I'm aware that I'm doing nothing, but I still can't bring myself to do anything. /nomotivation

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