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Posts posted by DocBlue

  1. today i discovered that MF propose a Tshirt to support what is happening in Japan.

    I just wanted to say that i am proud of this company. i like their products, not only because they make outstanding shit i like so much to wear, but also because i like to think that we share the same values. (and also because Christophe is french too ;) )

    What is happening to our japanese brothers is tearing my heart in pieces, and make me feel totally useless.

    My jeans and I are very sad.

  2. dunno if anyone mentioned it already but i just found those new 1001xx with pretty cool arcs....


    and btw take al look at those : fuckin hell i shoulnt have looked at the WH site..... the patch is awesome ... i need those now


    (apologies if i am late...havent checked the WH thread toroughly lately)

  3. great posts dkatz i love it. TheClerk too, you are a real countryman.


    today i paid a visit to an old friend


    trying to make some arty pic. my phone is quite good tho dont ya think?


    then i went to visit my favorite bike shop, and take some pics again.





    cant wait to get mine

  4. ...so is most of that $500 paying for having that specific material made "exclusively" for MF? Seems like a high price to pay for exclusivity but probably within the realm of what's reasonable in what I assume is a fairly small run.

    that is my opinion. Price is only a term of the equation. if it match what you expect then there is no problem at all.

    500 $ is the price for an aero leather jacket, for a very nice pair of boots, for 5 grams of cocaine, for a night in nice hotel, for a run with a ferrari and the price i will def. put for that vest.

    You can see with other pieces of the collection not made by SC the price difference.

    always the same tune playing every season btw, i remember the posts about road champs last year.......

  5. That's a great quote Doc, you should contact Landrover and see if they want to buy it off you. Love Landrovers.

    [edit] cant rep but nice pix of tahiti btw.

    well i think they know it already. Legendary famous for that. but hell i liked that car. to the point i never bought one after selling it. ...

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