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Posts posted by DocBlue

  1. ^There are the hardcore guys, but the RUBs (rich urban bikes) have really knocked the shine off of HD. (or, rather, HD's marketing knocked the shine off of HD -- I mean it's just a bike, not a lifestyle, so neg me for acting like some doctor playing biker is worse than me playing longshoreman).

    perfectly right but i don't know who you are refering to.

  2. Wait, are those your RoyxCones? The dialed up contrast is making them look 4 months old :)

    true... snow is not white anymore and there is some kind of halo around saint riff now ;)

    but i think those are not his roys .....

  3. I tried on a Cabourn Cameraman at Present. I love this jacket to death.


    But I can't justify the £400 or so, thanks to last night's purchase. SO I've pulled out an old jacket, horsehide I think, to make up for it.

    i second that.

    400 quids is a fair price tho.... havent seen such a price for a cameraman even on the bay ....

  4. thanks, folks, for all your prayers.

    THe box is well-battered. BIzarrely, it has a customs payable stamp, which normally means you get a card thru your door and have to collect it at the depot, like I did with Charlie's. Never known this before, probably because of that huge backlog in the warehouse. SO at least all that waiting saved me £11.89. WHat shall I spend it on?

    Pics later, but thanks again...

    How beautiful to see them in the flesh. Lots of details I didn't see from the photos - the really trim waistband. which looks really distinctive with full size beltloops. THat gorgeous coin pocket. THat gungy buckle that looks as if Mike Harris found it down a mine. The minimal lemon statching on the fly placket and hems alone. That's on top of all the lovely detailing I've seen on the photos, like the pocket bags. Mine have mild loom chatter on one thigh.

    Line up the waist, and its true size is 33 raw (I asked for 32 post-wash). About the same as my 55 LVC which were 32 measured BiG-style. SImilar flare out from the waistband so I'm hopeful on sizing. I have one chapter I need to correct before I try them on, then run the bath.

    I am definitely drinking tonight.

    Happy new year Paul

  5. cheers beatle,and Doc:you will never ever see me having anything to do with bloody hippy-hipster Birkenstocks.i would rather wear UGGs!

    to Paul:dont despair,remember my Fullcounts?took two full months to deliver them to Cary.i press my thumbs and cross my fingers and pray every night to god,they MUST arrive soon!

    i was joking dude. ugliest shoes ever

    Paul you will get your jeans tomorrow. i had a vision.


  6. cheers for encouraging me(not!).working in that store is doing my wallet not good...


    Any news from the London front,Paul?

    the Ed post was for me.... quite out of the picture i agree.

    bike stuff.

    you can add my Yay Markus. Too bad you dont work for BirkenstocK

  7. The new collection may not appeal to the denim sailors and bikers on here, but it could appeal to another crowd, you know... Still, I'm looking forward to seeing everything in detail.

    I know how you feel, Doc. I have a lot of stuff to break in before I should even think about buying anything else.

    you will see the collection way sooner than me, and i cant wait to have your opinion.

    Can anyone sense MF fans trying to convince themselves that the new collection is somehow OK?

    one cannot love everything just because its MF tagged.

    first time i saw 7161 i was not at all interrested in, once i saw a pair in real i became instantly addicted to the MF style and quality ....

    on a denim forum it is understandable to be puzzled when someone as big as MF launches a new collection without a piece of jeans.( we were surewarned by Kiya.....:) )

    but enough talking lets see the stuff for real.

    Personally, I can see Doc and Eltopo rocking the grey pants in the top right hand corner with the suspenders of the same fabric (as well as a navy pair as I'm guessing will be made). Those things are awesome! I can't wait to get those. I hope the elastic straps have some sort of MF logo on them. The shirt in the top left looks awesome too. I'm guessing those are the two things I'll pick up.

    I bet once we see the pieces on bodies well all be more stoked on it.

    Jared said the fabrics are insane. I just hope the shirts aren't too long on me. Being 5'7" a lot of shirts are down to the arcuates.

    i am pretty sure i could wear those pants yes. fabrics will be insane yes and frenchies tuck their shirts in so no worries

  8. Have there been any other recent iterations of "Les Apaches" by any other designers? I wonder if this is going to catch on in Japan. I'd love to flip through a magazine and see Apache-style street shots. If this gets big, maybe Free & Easy will do a Les Apaches issue like the Navy-Ism issue, except instead of telling you how to wear a chambray shirt and peacoat, they will give you an Apache dance tutorial and tell you how to tie your sash. ;)

    I hope some of you guys pick up some of this stuff. It's hard to imagine eltopo rocking this stuff.

    Docblue, does anyone dress like in Paris? Is there a modern Les Apaches-style sub-culture? Is this equivalent to Brooklynites in full coal miner fits

    Rivethead, thanks for those French Cancan links. I saw Charlie Chan in Paris a couple of moths ago and that dance scene was pretty interesting

    Yes i think this kinda wear could emerge as a new style.... i see a return to pre ww2 stuff, in flea markets but not in every day streetwear yet. I can for sure give credits to Christophe to feel what the street needs and guess what will be a new hit, and i am not a sub-culture member. at all....

    Bikers and navy collections were really appealing to me, this one is kinda neutral. wich is good given the amount of shit i have to wear this year.

  9. well thank you all for your comments and interrest. :)

    as there is no clear majority, and as i like both choices, i will leave it black then make it steel a few months later, wich wont be a big deal given the smallish tank and fender. (2.1 gallons guys.... ouch)

    and Beatle, you are right that is a problem, i will fix that issue in time i got an idea about that but it wont be a fender.

    i just realized i didnt even introduce the bike.... its a japanese frame and a HD heart.

    named zero type 5

    you can find more here

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