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Posts posted by DocBlue

  1. My question is, when the hell are the Les Apache button up shirts gonna be released? I got some cash trying hard to burn a hole in my pocket.

    Rnr i just received today the FH 2011 Limited White Chambray Workshirt and it is fooking nice.....

    "Of course we don’t expect you to be wearing the shirts, if you were not there when the 9.0 hit… But if you have a friend in Japan and would like to show that you “did something†by sending him/her this shirt as a present, know that your generosity will be helping some folks in need of food/shelter/support. (Just wait a bit and let the Post Office deliver more urgent goods for now.)

    We will be updating this post with the name or website of the 15 participants."

    MF told me they would send the Tee to Toyo Corp.

  2. today i was told that my future appartment would not be available before the end of April.

    well, shit happens. nothing to worry about.




    nice view ....

    and to keep up with you guys : 2,5 mo pics



    The Clerk please keep on posting pics. Riff and Robbie i agree with everyone, .....

  3. To Whom it May Concern,

    Have you heard about the CRRW? It's international…look it up:

    Committee Regulating Right & Wrong. Awesome board of Directors, avid web thinkers and other after hours useless debaters and posters. There is yet to be an order of the day, but Mister Freedom will make sure to closely follow the guidelines of the first ruling.

    Until then, dig this:

    At this moment, you think 250 000 homeless Honshu survivors care more about your opinion than about the help they are getting from the American Red Cross?

    You want to PC me? Really...?

    You draw your lines and walk your streets tall to straighten things right and do your thing. But I have a feeling by morning you'll still be sitting in front of your little computer, typing harder than you'd hit.

    Res non verba, kid. You look that up too.

    And you know where to find me.

    Exister est un fait, Vivre est un art.

    F. Lenoir.

    and thanks to the one who pissed off Christophe enough to make him react and by that demonstrate that he is following that thread.

    Peace and money.

  4. Clearly you ride. What sort of jacket do you wear? It seems hard to find armored jackets with a decent vintage aesthetic.
    I can't begin to imagine how hot and uncomfortable those must be.
    Those are ace. Who makes them? I've always liked the Flat Head ones, but I have no use for them.

    thosqe are Heavy horsehide jeans made by Aero. If you look carefully there is no seam on the legs. one piece of leather from top to bottom

    it is hot yes, obviously. not uncomfortable, but it is made for riding bikes, not for flirt.

    i got an aero jacket, same leather.

  5. i am more an XL guy than a L. i always go for a 42 for example. my MF vest are 42, my CPO is XL (traded an L for an XL), my leathers are 42. i didnt want to take the risk with that vest but i agree it has to be worn tight so maybe i could have gone 40....

    Google was not that bad actually but def not right. understandable.

  6. Complètement inattendu!

    Il semble fantastique, Doc. Comment se sent-on, et comment l'avez-vous la taille?

    it feels great Roy. very light, the linen is clearly making it more like a shirt than a CPO or a vest.

    i went for the XL size, ie 107. i am 6 "2. Eltopo went for the L if it can help. this is going to be my summer hit for sure.

    haven't washed it yet, i think i will go on raw for a bit. (but i got blue all over the place, fuckin hell)

    Btw your french is quite good. or is it Google?

    cheeers mate.

  7. 5557151816_6a2728d24b_z.jpg









    first ones are WW1 replica roughouts boots, as PaulT requested. Leather is very very nice, they will age very well, but the nails make them shlightly hard to wear on a regular basis. i must have worn those 5 times in 5 months

    Second ones are Hob nailed boots. Pics talk for themselves. Never worn in 5 months, but they got a very badass look ....

    All by William Lennon.

  8. i got mine today also.

    no need for pic as Eltopo did all the job far more better than i would ever do.

    i will add that this vest bleech A LOT and i will wash it asap before i wear it or i instantly dye everything i touch.

    but once again congrats to SC to come up with a very very fine garment. Congrats to MF for designing it.

    cheers and buy.

    This Sunday, very nice fit. A bit chilly here to wear those but i love your style.


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