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Posts posted by phive-oh-won

  1. I was partying in Detroit most of last week and I just got back to my place in Arizona around 2:00pm today. I was chillin' there getting ready to head out to an art show thing when I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and there were like 6 or 7 cops dressed up in swat gear (I don't know if it was actually swat gear, but it looked pretty intimidating) telling me that they had a warrant and I needed to put my hands where they could see. They took me and my roommate outside, handcuffed us, and detained us for about an hour while they searched our place for "narcotics". Eventually, they let me go, but I think my roommate might have gotten in trouble for something. I haven't heard from him since. Also, throughout the whole scenario, there were a bunch of cops and reporters from Switzerland who were visiting and filming the incident for Swiss TV. I've never been arrested or anything before so I was pretty spooked even though they said I didn't break any laws. The cops were actually pretty friendly, but i'm still pissed that I even had to deal with this bullshit. Stupid college town and its overzealous police force. Everyone in my complex probably thinks I'm some sort of drug kingpin now.

  2. monday%2520005.JPG

    took a break from the Artist denims today. I ran a race this weekend and the resulting soreness combined with a re-aggravated achilles injury are making it really difficult for me to get on my bike while wearing tight denim. I think I made up for my lack of jeans on the bottom half with the jean jacket up top though.

  3. I'm a picky eater too. As a result, I don't like it when people get snobbish about the right and wrong way to prepares and eat a dish. Why should you give a fuck if another motherfucker wants his meal in a different way. As long as it isn't a big inconvenience to you, it shouldn't matter.

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