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Posts posted by phive-oh-won

  1. people always seem to think that I'm younger than I really am. It was amusing at first, but now it's kind of annoying. I've started to realize that most strangers are only interested or impressed by my achievements because they think I'm between the ages of 12 and 17. After I inform them of their error, their level of 'give a fuck' about my life drops quickly.

    now, whenever a stranger compliments me, I get suspicious. Do they only care because they think I'm 15?

  2. I raced my first half today. I was doing pretty well until I started thinking about getting gatorade at mile 9.I stopped running and it messed up my rhythm and concentration. Also, my ankles got really sore after that. I think if I can get some long runs in and figure out my race nutrition, I can run a good time for my next half in december.

  3. I thought tonight's episode of The Office was pretty good. Still nowhere near the level it was in it's heyday, but it was funny with a lot of quoteables.I was ready to give up on The Office for good mid-way through this season, but the last few episodes give me some hope.

  4. I did hill repeats with the running club this morning. Today, only one guy left when I did, and the hill is pretty far from campus so we headed back together. It was a hard workout and he seemed pretty tired so we walked the whole way back. Just as we got back to his dorm and he started heading for the dining hall, he remembered that he left his wallet, keys and phone at the hill. He had to run all the way to the hill and back to get his shit before he could go in his room or eat breakfast. Fuck his life.

  5. we started the section on slurs today in philosophy of language. in order to get through the section without offending people, my professor writes "black, hispanic, asian, gay, women" on the board and writes down the first letters of slurs under each heading. Some people in the class were awkwardly good at coming up with suggestions of slurs to add to the board. At the same time, the guy behind me kept asking "what does 'W' stand for under the hispanic heading?". This was probably one of the most awkward classes so far.

  6. also, wtf? at lil debbie getting kicked out of the group. she's the only reason anybody even cared about them. kraeshawn's doing a free show here on saturday, but i might not even go if lil debbie won't be there. :(

  7. ^^ I have blister issues too. You could try some bodyglide. You just put it where you think you'll get blisters, and it reduces the friction. It works pretty well for chafing too. Also, they have specific bandaids and stuff for blisters that might work too. I've never had any luck with them, but they might help if you get blisters on the soles or sides of your feet as opposed ti your toes. Honestly, the only thing I really do is try to keep my feet dry with some foot powder on long runs and drain blisters that are getting too big and uncomfortable. Other than that, I just try to ignore them.

    I heard about that marathon boy thing. Is it any good? It sounds crazy.

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