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Posts posted by appfaff

  1. I dont think you understood me...... MASA and RALFs are very good for fading, not difficult to achieve killer fade due to the nature of the denim being japanese selvage.

    Thin finns dry stretch are italy stretch denim... i wore one for 4 month.... i gave up on them bcos there was no results....

    My answer was directed to heyheyhey, sorry for the confusion. I know how hard it is to fade the stretch denim, but that's just the nature of the beast. There are a lot of good photos of thin finn stretches all over facebook, so it's not impossible, just really hard, and they get really dirty in the process.

    once again, sorry for the confusion.

  2. look at mynudies, they have some really good ones. The Pontus GTDDO is amazing. Most people don't wear their nudies to shreds like the people on the website, but sometimes, some good fades and tears occur. Mr. Haga has some amazing MASAs, and MHP has some amazing Ralfs, but as far as that "worn for 4 years non stop-about to fall apart" look, most people don't really go for that anymore,.

  3. Yea, it is on the chilly side this morning here but still to me the thinsulate is better for the multi-day hunting or camping trips. I slipped these on this mornig with heavy socks and my feet are toasty

    Nice! Yeah, it's not humid here like it is down in bama, so I feel pretty good as long as I got my smartwools on. Nice boots too.

  4. I'll admit it, the button seems a little weak, but there was no problem getting them to button, just a little tight in the hips/thighs area.

    I am a natural 34.5 and got the size 34. When these stretch out,they will prob be too big in my waist, but the thighs should fit perfectly.

    no blue hands, haha

  5. I'm sure the thinsulate ones are great but I live in north texas and that kind of eliminates the need for thinsulate. I just get the regular ones and use heavy socks on cold days. I prefer the six inch ones myself.

    you mite want that thinsulate tomorrow dude. Gonna be a cold one here! haha

  6. Sorry for the lack of the updates on my 21oz Weird Guys. haven't really had a chance to take pics of them, and I'm not gonna wear them til after x-mas, but since Z asked, I felt now was a good time to break them out. haha

    Sorry for the terrible fit pics, I'm not sure what's goin on with my camera. i know the pics are small, and the quality is terrible, but the idea is still there,ha.

    The fit is ALMOST exactly what I was looking for. I would call it a LOW 66 model. I would have liked a higher rise, but this works.

    this pic really just doesn't give them justice



    back (sorry for the awkward pose, ha)


    Took some macro shots, thought you guys mite enjoy them. the details are what sold me on these. pretty low price on such a nice pair of jeans. Now, of course they are the heaviest things I have ever felt, but that's what I was going for.

    The blank think leather tag. a classy addition by Gordon and the gang at BiG


    you can really appreciate how smooth the weave is:


    I love the addition of the black doughnut button and of course, the red selvedge is very nice,



  7. Does anyone know who retails the deep indigo weird guys online?

    revolve clothing

    Quick question: I'm about to buy the green selvedge weird guys for a friend. He's a 29 in black APC new standard, and 31 in nudies. What size should I get him for a slightly slim fit?

    31. they are similarly sized go nudies.

    if he is super slender, a 30 would prob work

  8. we had some Brulè..hot red wine with cinnamon and spices


    that sounds delicious! Is it anything like Glug? (Spelling?)

    My grandparents make it on x-mas, a little tradition they picked up when living in the UK, and it's awesome: burgundy, cloves, cinnamon, some other stuff..... and I put some Grand Marnier on top:D

  9. I tried on some RR organic dry heavy today and was very impressed.

    But then I tried on some slim jim dry ecru embo, and thought they felt like paper (major dissapointment).

  10. I'll Always back nudies as long as they don't go all pre-wash.

    I agree,

    I may not be into all of their new stuff, but I have never had a bad experience with Nudie. I have never gotten one of their infamous crotch rips, and I have never had a bad experience with their denim. Now, I will say that I wish they would continue with some of their vintage "inspired" fits, but they are not a repro company, so I understand why they don't. I just got a pair of Naked adn Famous 21oz, so I guess I will see how a product from a company in a similar category does.

    I do want to keep supporting Nudie in the future, and I doubt I will ever fully stop wearing their drys, but at the same time, there is something to still be desired form their products, and I think it is a 16oz, vintage inspired cut, with stealth pocket stitching in a deep blue selvedge fabric, with no selvedge coin pocket, and an extra long inseam. :D

  11. hey guys i m new and i have a pair of organic dry alfs and i was wondering would these be considered as raw denims? and if they arent they seem to be fading here and there?

    hey dude, welcome to the dry denim world!

    Most denim companies are going to list raw denim as "Dry," they are the same. Nudie is particular always tells if they are dry in the name, mainly cause they produce pre-washes also, so they have to differneintiate, while a lot of other companies primarily do dry/raws, and won't say "dry" on their tags.

    Your Organic Ralf/Alfs are going to fade nicely, BUT they are going to take a while. Nudie's organic denim is pretty hard to break, but gives some good wearing tracks. Good luck, enjoy them, and be sure to beat the living crap out of them :D

  12. second this. imo, nudie are best getting off bck to the basics raw denims rather than all those mostly disappointing new washes.

    blck raw seems to disappear off a sudden. was pretty much hoping nudie to come out more of stuffs like grim tim dry blck selvage.

    Yeah, even since they discontinued their Greycasts and Dry Blacks, it seems their denim options are getting a little slim in terms of interesting dry fabrics. Maybe some of their new Organics will turn out well. I keep hoping :D

  13. re: Red selvege

    selvege pockets are completely unnecessary WTF

    I agree, selvedge coin pockets are kinda lame.

    I guess they figured their LAB series has selvedge coin pockets and must have been successful so far, and just decided to run with that idea.

  14. haha, yeah, I think they are trying to re-market their products to a more denim swamped market. Dunno how it's gonna play out tho.

    I'm almost more tempted to grab some of the old RRDS now that they are on sale (due to them being phased out). however, I do kinda want to see if Nudie has fixed some of their issues and has gone back to basics, which I think is what they were trying to do with the whole "red selvedge" series.

  15. Do you mean the RR dry or what?

    Nudie just re-named their selvedge series. They call the RR and AJ selvedge, "Red Selvedge" now. I think this may have something to do with the "Herritage" collection that are wanting to do. They have selvedge coin pockets now. Not too sure how I feel about them, but I really like the silver hardware. I think I may get a pair of Ralfs sized down, and add extra length, (33x36) in the Red Selvedge....any thoughts?

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