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Posts posted by okonomi

  1. -Visvim: Good designers would take a traditional fabric and uniform and get inspired by it to create something new and not evidently linked to their inspiration, they'd pepper parts of their various inspirations on various pieces of the collection. The Visvim guy sees something he likes and makes a repro, then turns around and sells it for 2K to suckers (love seeing white boys wearing that japanese denim thing, looks as funny as a bad Asian character tattoo). He's not even a bad designer, he's not a designer at all.

    Like most I'm pretty sick of Visvim of late, but I disagree with this. You can't quite make a hard and fast rule that a good designer must obscure their influences, although it often is the most effective approach in art. Visvim has come up with some amazing pieces over the years. From the virgils and the older outerwear, the elmendorf and even some of the newer stuff like those denim jackets - they're fucking perfectly executed items. Whether some of them are too repro-ish isn't as important when they're just that nice. People who wear head to toe Visvim - the newer, extra-fetishy Noragis and stuff in particular - do generally look stupid. The 'peppering' is up to the wearer, I think.

    Addendum: What's up with the Deckhand hype though? Looks like a pussified Topman item to me.

  2. Going to a party with shit music (read: going to a party). You know, for example, when then is some solid rap mix, and then someone decides, midway through Sippin on Sizzurp, or something, that they've had enough, and what we all need is some fucking LMFAO. After which point, complete anarchy tears loose, and people are switching up the vibe every other minute. It's Flo Rida, then it's Justin Bieber, then it's that obnoxious song about shots, then it's that Flo Rida tune that was just on, then its some generic dubstep remix, then it Bob Marley. Then some random with a Supreme five-panel will turn to me and be like "Yo dude, do you like trap? Check this shit out; it's fucking dope." Hooks up his phone, and all I hear is 2 CHAAAAAAAAIIIIIIINNNNZZZZZ. I hate that shit.

    Try developing superficial friendships based on arts consumption. It works for me!

  3. He's pushing conventional clothing boundaries, if you prefer that wording. Shoes, pants, shirts, and jackets are the basic building blocks of the everyday male and usually kilts or long tees meant for layering would not enter their consciousness. From experiences working retail, those who are fashion aware like SuFu denizens are a minority, not a majority.

    Okonomi, for Watch the Throne (even if you did not enjoy the majority of the album, as I found I did) the choice of clothing suited the tour. The thrust of the album was wealth and power, so his goal would logically be to find a look that was "richer and more next level." It fits with the imagery of Egyptian mythology as well, which pops up in the lyrics on WTT and of course the Eye of Horus on the air Yeezy's, some of Kanye's jewelry, etc.

    I am curious whether "carbon copying" consists of wearing Givenchy for WTT or...? In the post it comes across as wearing a designer is carbon copying them but such an idea is odd. I don't see people on WAYWT being called copycats for wearing clothes.

    And lets address Givenchy as a trashy brand with ugly clothes. It seems like a design-based rebuttal, which I respect, but with high-fashion brands a great deal of hate is often thrown around based on price point. Clothing is a multi-tiered industry where at some point you are no longer paying for materials but rather for design. But other industries work the exact same way. When you pay more and more for a car, for example, you start out paying for materials but eventually pay for design and engineering. We could say that people who drive Bugatti's are driving ugly cars sold to them by trashy brands, but what appeals to people in design is quite personal.

    When I said carbon copying I was referring to the cosplayers - they're really not trying anything new by just doing what he does. Saying his clothes suit the wealth and power of the album is pretty much moot considering that's the thrust of every mainstream hip hop album. Most non-mainstream too for that matter.

    I do not buy this idea that people are paying for the 'design and engineering' of Givenchy. Bulldog t-shirt, bulldog sweatshirt, what'll they engineer next!? Frankly I don't think you do either. People buy Bugattis cause they're fast and expensive and everybody knows it. While yes fast is an engineering aspect, for Bugatti it's at the cost of having - supposedly- shitehouse handling. So really the engineering is for show isn't it?

    Who's buying Givenchy due to a personal appeal to the design? Maybe like, only five people in the world would buy their clothes for the price without knowing the brand and the implications of wearing it. Last time I met a girl wearing Givenchy I pretened not to know it and went, "What's up with that t-shirt?" All she could say was, "Dude this is Givenchy it cost $xxx."

  4. Actually the single-button blazer cut isn't bad. Even with the side cut-outs you could add a sweater underneath and it would look legit. Feels very Raf Simons/Jil Sander.

    Ya Raf Simons for fucking Dior, look at that waist size. I don't know whether to be more embarrassed for Yoko or OC. Probably OC to be honest, like if I had the chance to release this bullshit at someone else's expense I probably would too.

  5. real talk, miranda kerr is ugly. weird nose shape and her eyes are too far apart. the average girl at safeway looks better than her

    If you're talking internet I-can-wank-to-anyone-in-the-world standards, then I mean fair enough. But if you're talking real life standards you're just an idiot.

  6. You can't pretend you wouldn't be slightly concerned to think an intruder might have been on your property numerous times.

    Obviously that I'm sitting here arguing this shows i'm trying to justify my actions to myself, but if he had honest intentions he would've knocked on the front door, not crept in the back and tried to ignore us at first. He was more than sober enough to know what he was doing.

  7. We just heard some guy in our place underneath us, told him to leave cause we were frightened. I felt bad immediately afterwards, but fucked if I'm helping some guy who's probably been trespassing in our place regularly.

    Hopefully he wasn't the reincarnation of Jesus. Then we'd be screwed.

  8. are these people being held against their will or...? and is it Nike's fault for giving them a job? no matter how shitty the conditions, aren't they free to make that choice for themselves? if not then i can see your point.

    I won't pretend to understand third world economics, employment opportunities, etc. but surely you can understand that this in an over-simplification.

  9. or maybe some people wear things because they like them not to feel superior

    But he's right. If what we currently perceive to be super-nice sneakers were the norm, we would see them as boring and desire even nicer ones.

  10. Just earlier, the family and I were sitting on the back balcony eating Christmas dinner when a homeless man, mumbling to himself, walked into our backyard. We told him to leave and he just stood holding his bags, looking up at us saying, "What's wrong sir?", "I want to ask you a question." and, "I'm an honest Christian." He seemed kinda out of it, but still coherent. I yelled at him to leave again, and he did. We went to the front door to make sure he really had left and watched him until he was out of sight, walking down the middle of the road in his long coat and shorts, holding on to his bags. Though this was a person who trespassed on our property, the sound of his thongs flip-flopping and the way he looked down at the road gave me a huge feeling of regret. Would I have treated him differently if he weren't homeless? I wonder if he really did have a question.

    I actually recognised the guy. I'd seen him sitting at bus shelters around the area - really severely sun damaged skin. I saw him eating one time at the cheap noodle place just on the main road off of our street. Once when we were away - I guess six months ago - our neighbour told us he had to shoo away a tall, long-haired man who was walking down the alley that led into our backyard. I can only imagine it was him, probably trying to sleep on the swing couch we have downstairs. Kind of messed up to imagine how many times he might have done that. We live in the middle class suburbs.

    The craziest part was this was only minutes after my brother had said both, "Imagine if a creepy Santa just walked up our stairs now, put presents under our tree and walked off again," and, "I keep on seeing my shadow and thinking it's someone walking up the stairs." Then arrived a long-haired, bearded man in a coat with filled bags in each arm. Creepy indeed.

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