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Posts posted by okonomi

  1. The guy's tumblr is entitled 'RAF SIMONS RICK OWENS ONLY' for goodness' sake. Just like those party cartoons it's all done with a guise of irony, but we all know he means it. Talk about a sign to abandon ship on raf, rick, supreme and whatnot if you still need one.

  2. "Men lose their high aspirations as they lose their intellectual tastes, because they have not time or opportunity for indulging them; and they addict themselves to inferior pleasures, not because they deliberately prefer them, but because they are either the only ones to which they have access, or the only ones which they are any longer capable of enjoying."

    - John Stewart Mill's Utilitarianism

    Ooowee that's good.

    Dudes, I never even thought fapping was an issue til I came into this thread a while ago. My problem has always been lack of desire to pursue girls and I've realised jerking off is definitely to blame. The fact that you can so conveniently get off like that really tames your drive. It's messed up when you get turned on thinking of a girl and the instant response is to play with your knob by yourself instead of doing something about it. Once you decide jerking off is not an option, you start channeling your horniness constructively; chatting up new girls, getting numbers and dates and actually really wanting to seal the deal as often as possible.

  3. 9Q5yONZ.png

    Currently wearing a 6-ish month grown out version of an amateur cut a friend did. No product ever, just doing that baking soda thing about every week and a half. Anyone who doesn't do it should try.

  4. Just then while I was walking out of the Hungry Jack's at the end of my suburban street, I saw this kid wearing a black perfecto with black button up, jeans and derbies. The jacket was designed nicely, like the newest TOJ DR, I don't think it was pleather - and this boy was about ten, with glowing mid-length blonde hair. I stood and stared in at him from outside the window for as long as its appropriate to stare at a young boy in a Hungry Jack's, and then I kept walking. I didn't see his parents but his sister was just wearing normal girl clothes. Excluding the shoes, this was genuinely the best outfit I have ever seen anyone wear in Brisbane. Right now as I'm writing this I'm still considering walking back up the street to see if he's still there.

  5. i feel like i'm so excited for the new daft punk that my judgement is clouded on this

    The chorus is incredible. There's a version on youtube with that ten second loop on repeat for ten minutes. I listened to it about eight times last night.

    So basically I've heard it 500 times and I still like it.

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