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Posts posted by okonomi

  1. @okonomi

    its not necessarily a "you're guaranteed to never sleep with a girl if you text them" kind of thing. It's more about increasing your chances with them by keeping the ball in your court. Calling means quick responses, while texting means they can reply either at their leisure or choose to not reply at all.

    Right, that I do understand. I have always hated talking on the phone, so texting it is for me :blush:

  2. Basically what you've just said is, "Do bad and dumb things and good stuff will happen to you."

    Wait, you're the guy I argued with Kanye/Givenchy about! You're so optimistic and I'm so pessimistic. Ha! When will we get along?

  3. 'Pics only' is where the noobs post and view waywt from. I stopped checking it deliberately to avoid people like that German retard.

    Edit: plus I also received the same dichotomy the few times I posted fit pics :blush:

  4. Part of me has entirely had enough of Australian bogan satire. It's really the least original form of comedy in our country, and too often becomes misappropriated as celebration (even one as clearly non-celebratory as that one). The other part thinks more anti Australian bigotry media must be a good thing.

  5. unfortunately, I can't say this is the case :(

    had the pro model, bolted the folding mechanism, etc.

    used to built ramps and rails and shit with my friends.


    Dang. Oh well. Open arms for those who repent.

  6. Coming to realise that I strongly regret paying attention to all these internet pin-up sensation girls. Kiko Mizuhara, Cara Delevigne, Kozue Akimoto, etc. I enjoy a cute, well-dressed girl like anyone else around these parts, but it's kind of saddening, the hysteria that these girls attract; threads dedicated to sourcing as many of their published images as possible. They seem like assholes, their appeal is just so superficial and volatile, and they're all clearly exploitative and passionless dressers. If you forget your internet fashion enthusiasm, most of these girls aren't even particularly good looking - especially Cara Delevigne.

    But I'm obsessed like everyone else. On another note: god damn it Kate Upton's titties are nice.

  7. i used to ride scooters while i was younger. i hate myself for it.

    Actually, fuck, I gave this negative but then I realised you might have meant just riding that shit around. I think every little kid (10 and under) rode/rides a scooter on roads and stuff for a brief period. And that's fine, as long as it never enters any 'extreme sport' realm or is taken to a skate park or something. That's when it's unacceptable.

  8. Nah man, she said I love Wu.

    Least you know she likes good hip hop.

    Edit: While I'm here, what's the best thing to say to maintain status quo with non-main girl when she asks you if you're seeing other people? Apart from lying.

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