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Posts posted by syed

  1. I'm a true XS, but Small fits me pretty fine. The body is pretty loose on me, but I am crazy skinny. I guess you if you are in between sizes, you could probably size up though, depending on how tight/loose you want the fit. Plus hood is definitely larger than a lot of stock photos seem to suggest.

  2. noah-parka-army-green.jpg

    Cheap Monday Noah Parka comes in black, grey and olive. Got a black one, tis niiiice. Pretty much the same as the Tor that everyone went crazy over a while back.

  3. ^^

    is the hood small or this guy's dome a bit oversized?


    That guy must have sized down or something...when I wear mine with the hood up, it hangs over my head - it is pretty darn big!

    Oh and Whyred's over the DMs. I love my Docs, but the Whyred's are potentially more versatile looks-wise.

  4. On another note: anyone else find cutting the heart out of a head of lettuce or cleaving a watermelon in half really satisfying?

    Grating apple is a really nice feeling. And I love cutting mushrooms.

  5. Rubbish doctors....

    Doctor: "Well the good news is that your tonsils aren't inflammed"

    Me: "Excuse you?"

    Doctor: "Your tonsils aren't inflammed"

    Me: "...could be because I don't have any"

  6. Rubbish doctors....

    Doctor: "Well the good news is that your tonsils aren't inflammed"

    Me: "Excuse you?"

    Doctor: "Your tonsils aren't inflammed"

    Me: "...could be because I don't have any"

  7. High Street seems to be going all military this season, cheap Burberry and the like, especially those women's flight jackets. I assume the camo is a natural extension of that overriding mood. Although to be honest camo and military is always in, you could rock a fishtail parka anytime when it is cold and look good.

  8. High Street seems to be going all military this season, cheap Burberry and the like, especially those women's flight jackets. I assume the camo is a natural extension of that overriding mood. Although to be honest camo and military is always in, you could rock a fishtail parka anytime when it is cold and look good.

  9. 419149531_ce4772ff74.jpg

    Vintage NHS 524/545 frames. I used to have them in a tortoiseshell when I was a kid (I think everyone in the UK of a certain age who wears glasses will remember the NHS glasses). They were free and kids used to make fun of me for having them, but heck do they look good looking back now.

  10. sup sufu


    I actually know the guy from the still (he pops up around 1:32?), he used to go to my Uni. Not that bad of a guy, although he used to hang out with some proper Shoreditch types if you know my meaning.

  11. I don't get why so many designers work with Coke and the likes. I suppose it is meant to be a postmodern critique what with disposability and the like. I'd rather they did it water bottles to make a proper statement. But maybe it's not about the statement, it's just the money. In which case, I'd like to see black Rick or multicoloured Junya condoms (5).

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