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Posts posted by jaac

  1. VE has an online store now so you could get a proxy (not sure if they ship intl). they have a list of stockists online aswell. The VE socks i got are seriously tight, seeing as they come in one size im glad my feet are only size 8, i'm worried im gonna snap one of the elastics on the green/red/white crazy patterned one.

  2. Violent Green, i emailed, dude said they had all 4 pairs, then replied an hour later saying they only had 2 pairs total left. Power of sufu.

    (pretty sure they ordered another batch, i payed for all four varieties and he said they'd all get shipped together.)

  3. I think the idea sounds solid, being from Canberra i think if you got a name and had good shipping practices etc i would shop from your frequently. Postage costs definately make me reconsider allot of purchases, especially for single items like 1 ocbd or something where im footing like 20% of the items cost in postage.

  4. Thats rough yannick, can you not just get a re-sit for the exam, you really gotta do the whole course again?

    on the home front

    I've never felt so dumb in my life as i have doing Chemistry, this is basic fucking Chem 1a shit and the majority of it is straight over my head, not having done any algebra or chemistry in 5 years was a shit option. I require a miracle to pass this class.

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