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Posts posted by jaac

  1. Similar to what conq said about Adelaide..

    Canberra is a place i see myself comin back to when i want to raise a family.

    The location is (in my eyes) pretty nice, there are lakes, big hills (called mountains but yeh...) a ton of bushland, its 2 hours from the coast and the snow. We have one of the countries premier universities and another few that are more practical degree orientated so that works well. It's not a bad lifestyle to live on residence according to my friends.

    The nightlife is fucking shit, there are a few bars that would be good if they weren't considered the "cool" places in town thus populated by deep v rocking meathead idiots and their bimbo girlfriends.

    Shopping..yeh don't even fucking start, i've not bought clothing from a local shop since i first browsed sf/sufu. Getting around is a breeze, you can ride pretty much anywhere in an hour max, the bikepaths are good and the government is really pushing development of them.

    Architecture, im pretty ignorant but it could look worse, some places are getting modernised which i guess is pretty cool.

    Food, again im probably ignorant compared to someone like Drew, there are good options and prices aren't bad but i don't eat out a whole lot as my friends are cheapskates and rather KFC/Maccas. There are some really good markets where you can get nice fresh produce though.

    Art/Culture yeh i dunno, we don't get many big music acts, we have a couple really nice galleries/museums and the War Memorial has some awesome exibits sometimes.

    The people are generally public servants if their over the age of 30, drab suit wearers, working in hospitality near the CBD most are pretty nice i guess. As we get so little tourism i don't think people are overly negative towards visiters yet.

    The climates fucked though, straight fucked, summer gets to 40 degrees C, winter like 8-10 during the day. Least it makes shopping interesting.

  2. I doubt many people did.

    Fuck OKC were so bad after harden fouled out, flipside, dirk was so (the fuck he hit that one handed-bumped by collison-one footed shot) good. OKC got a bright future though, Ibaka and Collison went ham.

  3. There would be..ramifications if it were revealed the Queen was banging other dudes. Not just because hes her brother, though im sure some people wouldn't be real impressed. All will be revealed anyway.

  4. This was the first ep they added significant scenes that weren't in the book, the renly+loras shit was a bit over the top, the varys + littlefinger scene was cool regardless, wish they hadn't made the illyrio bit so obvious, wasn't obvious in the book. the aerie was fucking nuts. i feel bad for that little kid actor that had to suck on those droopy tits, thats way fucked up.

    edit: best part since this show has aired is seeing the people that haven't read the books responses haha, its a whole other show in itself. If you think the plot is good now...your in for a treat.

  5. Should probably clarify that this is spoiler free (seems to be right now, lotta people that haven't read the book watching the show). There are some fucked twists that will get spoiled by little comments.

    That said i think if your enjoying the show you should read the books, modern masterpieces. The casting has been so good so far.

    Peter Dinklage better win some fuckin awards.

  6. Thanks, i have one of the slim fit suits from the regular line from last year and the XS pulls a touch in the middle but everything else is good so i guess the small would probably be spot on.

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