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Posts posted by itschrisb

  1. Right now it's between the 710,0500, and 5000 we can always just do a top four poll after this and the most votes wins. Maybe other people will end up re-voting and choosing something else. I don't think anyone should be elimanated obviously be are okay with it if it's in the top 3 you know. Plus no ones asking to elimanate a fuller cut. It's just the style a lot of people are becoming more and more drawn to a nice well fitted slim style Jean over a fuller baggier straight cut.

    How long are we letting the poll run for?

  2. No 710 please! The 0500 is the perfect cut for a contest, it works for all different people. Maybe something that will work even better is two variations of the 0500, one with a more extreme taper, maybe .25 less in the hem, and one that is .25 more in hem. Then you have a slim, fitted jean with a smaller leg opening, and the average mid-high rise slim-ish straight jean. You wouldn't have to worry about different applications of details and stuff if you keep essentially the same silhouette.

    This sounds perfect. Let's get this thing going.

  3. I voted for the 710 bc I'd like a tapered cut. But basically what I'm looking for in the cut is something with a nice roomy top block without a huge tube leg bottom half. My thighs are fat compared to my calves and ankles so it just looks rediculous on me if there is a nice amount of taper.

  4. I'll add a poll in a bit for cuts...any more suggestions to add to this list? I know I'd love to have a "bastard child" mix of Lee details on a Levi's inspired cut...










    curious g, aesthetically, I do actually prefer the Lee style wave as well, especially in a sexy black

    That gets my vote out of those choices. I think the Lee Style wave would be a good idea over the classic arcs. Hidden would be cool bc thats never been done but stitched is just as cool too.

  5. I think the main focus should be on the cut then worry about the other small details. The main make or break for a lot of people I feel is the cut. So we should try to figure that out and set that in stone or close to it.

    Also brand would be a good thing to decide bc it'll be easier to use examples of the cuts they already offer.

    Figuring out when it's gunna take place and a price too. Average price for Sams is definitly okay by me I was expecting over 300.

    Since PBJ just came out with the LHT 011 maybe we can consider PBJ. Be a cool idea since no one really knows how they fade and stuff.

    I'm 99% in mainly just waiting to see the cut. The other stuff doesn't really matter to much to me just wanna make sure they're gunna fit and I'll enjoy wearing them. The more customized and unique they end up the better in my eyes.

  6. should i size down or go true to size for 007?

    does this also apply to the 005?

    Just like they said if you have big thighs dont size down. The thighs are really tight. They do stretch but still are tight.

  7. Yea i figured it was a shot in the dark but would definitly be cool. What would the restrictions be on small red stitched box with maybe BiG or something stitched into it. Do you know what i mean?


    like the DB ones only all red and something stitched in it. Not as durable as a red tab but still cool.

  8. Any brand is fine by me.

    Hidden arcs for sure

    definitly a mid or high rise I don't like low rise much.

    A nice designed leather patch

    not big into cinch back but it's not a make or break.

    A nice fit with roomy thighs and a taper from the knee down nothing super slim but just tapered.

    Different cuts is a cool idea. Something for everyone.

    I think the buttons and rivets should be a nice color like copper or nickle. something that will stand out and look good.

    a red tab would be awesome.

    I think something between 16-19oz would be good for all year wear.

    And lastly a cool looking selvage line like those SDA RHT LHT.

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