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Posts posted by itschrisb

  1. gunna pick up a pair of weird guy black jeans, do these tend to stretch as much as the indigo ones? or run with the same sizing? i have the 21oz weird guys in a 32 and the thighs are kinda tight debating on if i should size up on these to a 33.

  2. There is no reason to be stubborn about soaking or washing your jeans. If you dont wanna you dont wanna dont make a big deal about it. Everyone is just explaining why its good to do and why they do it. I used to be the same way wanted to wait the 3 or 6 or 12 months before soaking and its not a bad idea but i decided im just gunna soak or wash when i feel its necessary. To be honest ive noticed besides my one pair of nudies that after a soak the fades were more defined and also new fades and the old fades progressed much faster. But that could just be in my head haha

  3. So I really wanna pick up one of these sweatshirts. I've been looking all over eBay for some good deals on any kind of reverse weave, double v, or vintage sweatshirts. Found a few but still wanna buy a brand new one. Besides BiG, SE, and History Preservation is there anywhere in the USA to get them? And also of the ones available through them which one has the best fit. I guess it would be out of Left Field, SDA, Buzz Rickson, Sam, and I think that's it really. I know it's been asked but just seeing who likes the fit of which one the best. Need something alittler on the boxy side.


  4. and here are the post-soak fit pics!



    i have seen some 710 that fit slimmer. i am not sure if this is the right look for a 710 but i like it! :)

    fit is perfect IMO, not to tight and not to baggy

  5. I really like my 21oz WG but damn they seem to he falling apart left and right. The part where the buttons are on is ripping away in the one spot and the threads busted at the bottom where it attaches to the crotch. I'm gunna have to try and sew it up.

    kromophobic those are looking awesome. Have they softened up any with the two washes?

  6. I just wanted to give a quick thanks to the Self Edge stores in Valencia and NY (Chinatown?haha) for being so damned nice and accommodating when I've visited. I expected the hospitality in San Fran, simply because typically houses nice people, but in NY, you guys were a diamond in the rough. So, thanks again, after a long day of toiling through Houston in all of its snobbiness for being hospitable.

    I Couldnt agree more, I stopped in SENY and the two guys were more than friendly. No snobiness at all. Welcoming and helpful right from the get go. Thumbs up to self edge ny and the staff. Hopefully next time I visit the help I get will be for a new pair of jeans.

  7. Really can't wait for the jungle cloth pants to drop and the TSL collar.

    Who cares what we wear or why we wear. We just do whether it be quality, fashion, to impress, to fit in, or whatever. Everyone I know things I'm completely retarted for spending 200-300 dollars on jeans but I just say alright cool. In that way I stand out from them and don't fit it bc they'll never understand really.

    I was complaining about my 21oz N&F digging into the back of my leg and my friend made a comment about fashion over comfort. In a way I guess he is right but at the same time again just doesn't get it.

    Not trying to contribute to any side of the arguement just saying it's not worth fighting over. Carry on though i'll be waiting for SE updates haha

  8. I really think a lot of people are jumping the gun here with the whole rivet thing. Like Aho said wait for the prototype to come out then decide if you wanna hate on them. I doubt it's going to ruin anyones style of dressing. The cut is a modern cut with just a few classic details. I think the cut is alittle more important that exposed rivets.

    I think it's gunna look cool and can't wait till the release. I hope it's as early as possible but wouldn't mind If it was right towards the end of summer.

    Are the arcs going to be black or yellow? That's the only thing I wasn't sure on?

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