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Posts posted by itschrisb

  1. The Joe mccoy's wouldn't be anywhere near as crazy customized as the samurais but They would be customized alittle more than just an off the shell pair of jeans. I was more into the sam contest to be honest and would rather spend the money on those then these but I would be into this one as well. I guess the big thing would be figuring out If we can get lht otherwise were basicaly just settling for the sake of a contest.

  2. Pulling the trigger on a pair of 0500 from pirates, cant wait for them to come in but theyre probably gunna sit for alittle while already have 3 pair in rotation and 2 pairs of nudies that never get touched.

  3. cool, Mike.

    I understand. I'm just worried 'cause one of the the 2 items I ordered is supposed to be a birthday gift for a friend of mine. but I might have to get a replacement since his big day is just a few days away...

    no worries, I'll stop bitching now.


    Id keep up on them just incase i waited 2.5 months for my wallet to come in because my order got lost and what not. They through in a free premium card carrier and all. Im not upset it took so long and id still order from them again. Just saying take what they say with a grain of salt bc i was told twice my order would be shipped out very soon. 3 weeks later and 1 more email i finally got a tracking number.

  4. Total support an idea like this, we were trying our best to make this one of the most unique jeans out there with such mismatched options and such. With using an unknown or non popular brand we would barely hVe to do much customization ,aka making it cheaper, to make this contest so unique. And also like everyone has said it was be great publicity and exposure or blue in Greene, superfuture, and the brand we used.

    Let's get choppin

  5. Samurai 0500 might workout better if you have bigger thighs not sure if you'll get them to a 7" leg opening but you can try. What size in the thighs do you need? Such an extreme taper may not look right in the long run.

    Speaking of 0500 should I get a pair of 0500 with tabs and arcs from pirates or a pair of Iron Hearts. I've wanted both for so long and finally have the money.

  6. Okay thanks ill read through, I just wasn't sure if there was a certain one or anywhere they're available specifically. I've never used a proxy before. I sent a message to SuTo asking them. Sorry for the stupid questions it's sometimes Confusing reading things when you have no idea what it's about.

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