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Posts posted by gettoasty

  1. if i may interrupt, i think Ronn hustled hard to get where he's at. maybe i am ignorant but i don't think many of his things cost a fortune. did he ever mention that he actually owned these things e.g. cars, buildings etc. owning versus leasing is a big difference in terms of cost. if you make 6 figures you can easily lease a porsche granted you don't have much other financial obligations. and when you hustle, you sure as hell going to meet many people. relationships form and depending on the industry you can get a lot of perks.


    Ronn crosses me as atypical businessman who's not afraid to humble brag (guy posts photo of his son, looks like he got priorities straight) and enjoying his fruits of labor. and i am only making these assumptions because if you are speaking in the millions, coming from an affluent background where you never thought about money (since you always had it), sufu would be the last place to be sharing intimate photos.


    that said maybe it is socially acceptable where Ronn works i.e. sharing through different media types like a public forum platform. FWIW i don't think he won or stole anything... maybe he won something but of no monetary worth. can't put a price on a good and what seems to be a happy life...

  2. go create your own board then?


    i mean this in the nicest way. i've witnessed people do it. just don't assume a whole lot of participation. but then again i guess that's what tumblr's et al is for.

  3. ^did you wake up in an odd position or sleeping on your arm, legs bent awkwardly?


    i notice that when i feel the pain, which is usually a cold touch that I am lying on my arm or my legs are asleep. maybe it is the body telling the mind to wake up and change position. you ever get stiff necks? hate it.


    i still have nightmares e.g. the ring


    i'm in the bedroom looking at my phone and get these images of hair, bodies crawling, and the next thing i know it's children jumping on the bed. am I relieved? fuck no. 


    i hate getting woken up around 5-6 AM and i can't fall back asleep to get that extra hour before work. 



    i'm always dying in my dreams, too. for example, driving a car and get into an accident. i wake up but am back in the same car, same route, but this time i avoid the car crash and go on my marry way. it's like inception

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