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Posts posted by gettoasty

  1. work and restroom problems lol


    i hate it



    i remember going to the restroom and opposite was another dude walking towards me. the restroom was right in the middle. we both sort of glanced at each. it was like a standoff except we were walking to see who'd open the door first. i did. we walked in and the stalls were occupied. the dude who came in with me bailed immediately (lol) and went downstairs. i went to the sink to pretend like i'm washing my hands. left then went back to the restroom 10 mins later for the all clear. entire building and only 2 restrooms wth

  2. yeah i go to the gym 3 times a week/ light excercices tho , like 30 min run and some machines , and as for foods i eat kinda good since half a year, less sugar/ no desserts / more fruits vegetables / lot of tea , coffee and water only / less frozen meals almost not anymore / so i dont think is that

    actually im going to take a blood test like next week so im gonna see, i think my skin has a role in my mood, i have light acne that go up and down that i hate so much, blood test is mainly for that

    I think I experience he same swing in moods based on my skin. It'll be really good and I feel amazing but every now and then blemishes just arise and I feel like shit. What is a blood test going to tell you about your skin? I walked into a doctor appt about my skin and they basically told me laser therapy is too expensive for me and gave me some cream that doesn't work. Waste of $25 copayment

  3. Finishing my second jar f Layrite and really want another pomade that is more soft in hand upon application. Layrite is too hard, and being water soluble is too dry as I already have dry hair type. I always wanted something that was soft and smooth. Closest product was bumble&bumble. I think I'm willing to forego water soluble for a product more suited for my hair type. Any suggestions and readily accessible in he US? Tia

  4. basically admitted to a close friend tonight i don't know what is happiness or what it is to have fun.


    so i know that depression is something to do with chemical imbalance in your system (or something like that...)


    I am curious as to whether as a "healthy person" you can develop depression versus being born with it i.e. family history. 

    In high school i'd get super depressed because of a bad breakup, getting rejected etc. but is that really depression or just part of growing up?


    today i woke up early then went back to bed till 4PM. Decide that the things I wanted to do can be postponed. On the other hand, my friend told me tonight I seem content, unmotivated...are these symptoms? I was very close to asking friend whether I am depressed but  kept it to myself in the end. 


    I need to get that book, redX...

  5. ^i'll keep that in mind. I plan on exfoliating 2-3 times out of 7 days, and clean with the Paula's Choice face cleanser regularly, otherwise. I plan on using my current badger brush I use to lather up my shaving cream. I like the feel against my skin and it is soft enough. Just not sure if I need a finer brush to get the best exfoliation. We will see...

  6. ^appreciate the suggestions


    So, I just look for a facial exfoliating brush and a simple facial cleanser to use together it seems. I take it your face will also take some time to get use to the brush if you have sensitive skin since it seems the bristle look stiff. FWIW I use a badger brush when shaving to apply the cream. Are exfoliating brushes any softer or harder? 


    And any suggestions on a cleanser? I use Paula Choice products (2% BHA liquid). Bought the toner and stopped using it after first time, just seemed frivolous since I have been using the 2% BHA for so long now. Any other brands I should be aware of? Trying to avoid OTC products as independent cosmetic type brands seem more conscious in avoiding adding bad chemicals. 

  7. recommendation for a face scrub?


    What about battling in-grown hair...this is probably the worst for me. My skin can be completely clear but then get a really bad blemish around my facial hair region. been really contemplating laser therapy but it is $$$

  8. Don't know if I'm just stressed or having a break down. Usually I have pretty good self control...but since the beginning of the month I've been spending money recklessly (granted a lot f t on clothes that can be returned). But I feel like I'm really walking a thin line. Stopped going to the gym for 2 weeks now so right about since New Years. Started off te year with a flu that wrecked my body. Been sort of downhill from there. Kind if want to justs say "forget it" and walk away but got obligations. Never was depressed per say but have had a history of being really "emo". Today when the new intern asked me what I do for fun I half jokingly said "go to the gym". He then asked me about my friends and I had to pause really quick then mention a buddy that I haven't seen in 5+ months. That conversation ended really fast and we ate our lunch in silence before taking about the gym again. Derp

  9. ^best shooter ever was back in the heyday of Unreal Tournament 


    The hosts, servers were just unreal. Had so much fun



    As someone who manages interns and new employees, I can understand your sentiment. I think maybe you can take longer and try to understand fully as to what your Excel adds to the scope of your supervisors work, and the larger office/company. Really dig deep, ask a lot of questions, and show you are interested to learn and that you understand. This can lead to that nice letter of recommendation etc. As far as your first question, IME once you are in a full-time position and start getting loaded with responsibilities, you cannot find enough time to get things done and meet deadlines. It is just a combination of the rush you get, and knowing that you put in a hard days of work at the end of the day. And depending on the environment, you are constantly communicating with your internals as well as vendors outside. I think until you really get a lot of responsibility and get put on the spot, things can start off a little slow...just a matter how much much and quickly you can pickup to progress

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