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Posts posted by JoyDiffusion

  1. If I actually end up making a shirt, I will of course post pictures of the final result.

    Do you mind posting some pics of the fabric itself? Sounds like a neat project... I'm trying to find the time to learn this stuff, too.

  2. I'm wearing my black NdG pretty regularly (5 days a week) and they're starting to get some good fades, but still several months away from being worthy of a post here.

    edit: good idea for a thread... not sure if there's enough black denim out there, but it's certainly fun to see stuff other than indigo!

  3. Yeah... so this is self explanitory. Both from last season... Workshirt had big open pocket and flapped cigarette pocket. I've got it in grey chambray, but it also came in like a striped cotton.

    And then the other is obviously a western shirt with flapped pockets... I've got it in black chambray, but have seen it in white/blue checkered pattern, and a white/mint green.

    If you've got either of these in XL and don't wear them, pm me. Thanks.

  4. Hi, I need a proxy who's willing to bid on something for me on a yahoo.jp auction. Willing to pay all shipping costs plus a reasonable fee -- say 2,000 yen, which is better than 10%.

    Looking for someone with at least a few good references. Any recommendations?

    Edit: Sorry, I just found the one that was stickied... my bad.

  5. Great photo, great film... I was thinking the same thing during the scene when he was practicing in his backyard. "Hmm, nice jeans"... They were Lees if I recall correctly.

    I don't know if this picture is famous all around, but here's a screen cap of a still photo from Man On Wire. It's Philippe Petite planning out a guerilla wire walk.


  6. Sole Food Shop in the UK has 101 B and Z on sale right now... great prices.


    I'm wondering, is anyone able to recognize this particular version of the 101 B (based on tag/stitching/etc.)?

    Is it the one which is vanity-sized by 2 or 3 inches? (Thus tag size 32 = 34 inch waist?).

    And have you got any experience with stretching? I seem to recall hearing they stretch a lot... but too lazy/busy to conduct proper search. Any advice would help, thanks.

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