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Posts posted by HAPPYASALAMB

  1. people that think they know what you are talking about and say, "shh shh I know exactly what you are talking about." then they go off on a completely different subject thinking you were suggesting something

    fuck this

    you patronizingass shits

    dayum dude. needa calm down, what happened anyways?

  2. 1.i am addicted to the computer

    2. i recently found out that xbox isnt as fun as it used to be

    3.throughout my life ive always tried to get a gf and failed

    4.i am trying to get at a girl right now (lol)

    5.im super gullible

    6.i overly use catch phrases like Mega, super, omega, extreme, etc.

    7.i hate it when people use the word "like" over 3 times in a sentence

    8.im mainly into electronic music from the UK

    9. i loathe lil wayne and soulja boy, cant stand their lyrics

    10.i have a Pump It Up machine in my house

    11. i am really envious of alot of my friends

    12. i suck horribly at math and yet thats the class i try the hardest in

    13. i usually get away at saying random crap in class

    14.i hate people that are addicted to myspace, facebook, etc

    15. i hate cats

    16.i am super skinny though i eat alot

    17.i hate dickriders, kiss-asses, sycophants

    18. i hate ugly chicks who use too much make-up

    19.i play the bass guitar

    20.i am atheist

    21.my sister is really fucking annoying and i cant wait til she moves out

    22. Japanese soda candy are my favorite

    23.i have 3 ipods

    24.i wish i could go to SF every day

    25. this is where i hit reply

  3. 1. no one in this thread has a job

    2. I am young as fuck and I hate everyone my age (super elitist)

    3. even though I hate all these people, I have add or adhd or w/e bullshit and I start random interesting conversations very well so I make lots of friends

    4. I realized recently that I am addicted to the computer

    5. sometimes I feel like I am the smartest person in the world, then at other times I feel humble as shit like I am bottom of the intelligence totem pole

    6. I like philosophy and I am thinking deep thoughts about 90% of the time when I am not interested in what a school class has to offer me

    7. Sometimes I am a voracious reader and I mow down books but other times I can't even get past the first page of a book

    8. I recently gained new found respect for lil wayne even though pretty much everyone I know thinks I hate his guts. I never did. I just hated his music; or like 95% of it.

    9. I am a music elitist to the max

    10. I often fantasize about being able to cook amazingly. I am a mediocre cook, but the basic things I can cook come out amazing

    11. up until the 7th grade, I was literally addicted to ramen, or at least the MSG in it. I couldn't come home from school without climbing onto of the counter to get it (it was on top of the fridge). If I didn't have it, I would feel empty and eat a bunch of random crap to get me full instead.

    12. recently I have been binging on electronic music and old 90's shit

    13. to this day, I maintain that the best teacher I ever had was my english/history teacher in the 8th grade

    14. I am sensitive as shit about being azn. If I think your racist, I will tear you down

    15. I'm a fucking good orator and I general make arguments sound like I'm right even if I'm not.

    16. I am scared of the fact that I am so good at manipulating people

    17. sometimes I amaze myself with the amount of little white lies that I spew out. I don't get caught 99.99% of the time, and for the most part, they are beneficial to people (don't get people mad at me now, secretly clean up the mess later)

    18. my weight fluctuates at a ridiculous rate. If I go work out for half an hour, I come out being hella cut. then I go home and take a nap and wake up slim/skinny/a bit flabby.

    19. I don't know how many pushups I can do. the highest I ever counted was 180. I can't keep track afterwards.

    20. I want my six pack back but I have absolutely no motivation

    21. I can't do anything unless something is motivating me (ie won't work out unless I am doing it for a sport team)

    22. this list is much better than the one I made for facebook

    23. I am liberal as fuck

    24. lost my virginity when I was 14 (freshman) to a 17 year old (senior)

    25. I fucking suck at math, English and history classes make me feel like I am mega genius

    edit: 24 was at her house. I had to sneak out and walk 4 miles home at 8pm because her parents came home. to this day, I don't think sex is that great for this reason. now I rarely pursue any relationships with chicks

    lol at number 24

  4. ugly girls, girls with too much make up, puberty stage teenage girls who thinks they're so hot with their crappy makeup shitty clothes and no body to show, guys with skinny jeans and ugg boots with quarter size hole in their ear, fat girls in tight clothes, guys in obnoxious printed tees with gold wing print on the back, people who can't introduce another when you're standing next to them.

    fuck em.

    I've seen them all the mall today... what the hell is going on?

    fuckkkk dude. that reminds me of this annoying ass girl when i was in middle school, mega fucking ugly and a definite make-up whore.

  5. I hate when your done taking a shit and then start wiping. But as your wiping some sort of magic reaction occurs which causes you to continue to shit like magic. Then you gotta wipe again.......

    LOL, i know what you mean! hahaha

  6. i hate how i rented a shitty video game for wii craving to play as a ninja yet it sucks ass and pisses me off, but i won't stop playing solely for the purpose that i want to be able to say i beat it.

    then you'll find out once you beat it, you wasted about *how many so hours* of your life to beat a game

  7. milk_041.jpg

    I remember I used to always steal these from this guy's lunch bag in math class.

    - no bully, I jacked the shit messing with some richass assclown asswipe that needed to be taken down a couple levels anyways.

    not that I think about it, this fool could've easily killed me in a fight. pussyass Robby Templeton


    I feel the need to post pic why?

    LOL robby templeton? hahahahaha

  8. it's pretty.

    i didn't have a chance to get used to the new parry system. (focus moves?)

    the pace is A LOT slower than 3rd strike.

    i'm just excited for online play.

    i want that mad catz arcade stick but i'm unemployed soooooo.

    lol yeh i definitely wouldnt mind having 2 of those. considering i have a bunch of friends that like Street Fighter and theyll definitely be wanting to play SF4

  9. me and notesee went to chinatown fair in nyc to play it in arcade.

    shit was a dollar per play, i was like yo RECESSION.

    anyway its fun.

    a lot more like 2 than 3rd strike, which i'm obsessed with.

    what do you think of 4? Personally i think its going to be the best one yet

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