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Posts posted by HAPPYASALAMB

  1. Ahhh.. too bad im going to be in Big Bear this weekend.

    Anybody else with joysticks? I'm thinking about replacing the buttons, wonder if its dificult.

    If anyone wants to play against my Cammy (not a good one), ps id: techyvillain

    no worries, we can wait for you. that just makes 7 people now

  2. trt2QNAJk-s

    man there are a shitload of chicks like that at my school, they dye their hair all these random colors and buy/wear expensive stuff. still doesnt make you any skinnier or better looking...

  3. lol dont play hc in WaW, machine guns are rigged. people halo jump like crazy, also it mostly takes 2 shots with a bolt action without the scope, really dumb....especially the springfield

  4. wtf??

    this chick I took a math course w/ wore a home made eyepatch (gauze + tape) because her eye was bleeding

    she said something about it being hella painful like having a contact stuck in the back of your eye rubbing against your optic nerve


    lol i know that chick. hey didnt zeus also have that?

  5. Sometimes I surprise myself. Ask braidkid about that time we were playing together, and I hadn't played whatever it is we were playing (since I only play TDM)…last person alive, I knifed four people in a row on wetwork but got slayed by the last guy. :(

    I don't know, it was funnnn.

    yeah knife sprees are awesome if you can pull them off. then again having a knife war is even better

  6. We need to start a clan. I'll be the stupid one who runs around like a ninja yelling out KNIFE every ten seconds. WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

    LOL! that would be epic. then again you'll probably be the only one to do that

  7. lol i got mine off of a thread here. my friend, nickthechibi, and i were reading random stuff on here and we came across a post by kunk that had something to with a lamb. he also had posted a picture that i used for my sig

  8. Can't believe I have actually been playing Halo 3. Went back to Call of Duty, my aim was so off I kept messing up even when I was using an M16, ughh. Luckily I came back and do the usual 20ish/3ish kill death ratio. I just wish I could reset my stats to see how accurate they were are of my now =/

    PS: I still hate Creek, what a terrible level.

    haha i know what you mean. then again i play HC S&D .

    Yeah creek sucks ass. that map shouldve never been made, same thing with chinatown. i hate that map so much, though creek is the worst

  9. Girls who join the forum, post a picture of themselves in waywt, then get an avalanche of pos rep all from faggots who probably think they are hot, but their fits suck regardless. So what if you would bone them, they suck at clothing themselves.

    they do that to make themselves feel better

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